Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to animallove299 and firelion152 for giving me ideas so I could continue this book! Thanks!


"No!" Winter yelled, panicking. "You can't!"

"I can do whatever I want," the IceWing hissed. "And you can't stop me."

She's right. I can't. What am I going to do? I need to warn them. But how?

"Stag out of my way," She hissed at Winter. "Or you'll regret it." With that, she took of, her massive wings hurling her into the dark night skies, until she was nothing but a speck.

~~End of Dream~~

Winter woke up panting. Where am I? Seeing that he was in his sleeping cave, he relaxed. Thank goodness! It was all a dream.

Winter looked around, and saw that his scales were still dyed black, from the dare yesterday. That was seriously the worst dare ever. I look like a NightWing! Well, that was the dare, a really bad one at that. Icicle is going to kill me. . . (A/N: That was a very good dare. And the dare was to let Moon and Kinkajou dye Winter so he looks like a NightWing.)

"Come on Winter!" Qibli said, anxious to get to the prey center. "I'm going to starve t—" Qibli turned to him and burst out laughing like a mad dragon.

"It's not funny," Winter said grumpily, the nightmare still looming in his mind. "I can't go around school looking like a NightWing!"

"That dye will wear off by tomorrow morning by the latest" Qibli said, trying to stifle his laughs, and failing epically.

"Ugh," Winter complained. "I bet they'll think I'm a NightWing that looks like an IceWing."

"Yup," Qibli said, finally getting a hold of himself. "You look like a NightWing and IceWing hybrid."

Winter glared at the SandWing coldly. "That is not funny."

"Okay, okay, relax! Seriously, dude, you need to cool down." Qibli said, earning a death glare from a unamused Winter. Your not even close to being funny. Hmph. And you wouldn't be laughing if you had a nightmare.

As they arrived at the prey center, everyone was giving him curious glances, some even suspicious. Well, I do look like a NightWing with a IceWing body. I am totally going to get Kinkajou for that.

"Hey!" A voice called out. "Who are you?" Another said, "Are you a NightWing or a IceWing?" And many more comments that Winter ignored. As they reached the rest of their winglet, the others, were of course laughing at Winter.

"Wow Winter," Turtle said. "Nice color."

"Shut it." Winter growled. You wouldn't be laughing if someone dyed you black!

"Come on," Moon urged. "The assembly starts in a few minutes." I guess we were late for breakfast.

They all turned toward the entrance, and walked off. Winter still getting strange looks from the other dragonets. Can't they keep their eyes to themselves? How rude. (A/N: look who's talking?)

"Night and Ice Do Not Mix" *Winterwatcher*Where stories live. Discover now