Chapter 25

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GUYS! IM ALIVE! HALLELUJAH! I finally have decided to update for all of you awesome readers! You guys deserve it! I MEAN I GOT 13k!!! Here I go!


"So she isn't an animus after all," Qibli sighed in relief.

"She only has an animus touched object, but that's pretty much it," Moon spun a few times in the clear morning sky.

Winter scanned the empty landscape. He was still on edge after what happened last night. He felt like something would pop out of the sand and attack him at any moment.

"What are you thinking about Winter?" A voice called above him. Glancing up, he spotted Moon flying above him, the sun outlining her slim figure.

"Nothing," Winter replied. He quickly looked around his surroundings again.

"I won't pry, but just know that I'm always here if need someone to talk to, okay?"

The IceWing smiled at Moon's comment. It felt good to have friends after all those lonely years. Sure, his cold demeanor was history now and he was quite happy, but he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over him like a thick fog.

Why am I feeling like this? We just survived an attack, but I feel that somethings going to go wrong. Really wrong.

"Guys!" A voice called from the far right. It was Kinkajou. "I think that's the Scorpion Den up ahead! And it's covered in frost?" Her voice rose to question.

Sure enough, the den seemed like a heavy blizzard swept over it. But the thing is, there was snow and ice in the middle of a scorching hot desert. Winter came to a conclusion. This was the doing of the stupid and idiotic IceWing queen. No doubt about it.

A low growl rose in his throat as the group landed.


Sorry, but that was a preview! I have trouble continuing it, but I kinda felt bad..... so I give you the freedom to choose how this will end. But I can't promise that I won't put in plot twists!

And just one question. Do you guys want to know what I look like? If you want to know, vote and comment below and I'll post a picture of me on the next chapter.

"Night and Ice Do Not Mix" *Winterwatcher*Where stories live. Discover now