The First Night

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It all started when I decided to start a Vine account with my best friend, Sam Golbach. We have been best friends ever since we bonded at band camp over some senior girl that we both didn't have a chance with. From then on, we'd talk about how we couldn't break out of our shells, had zero confidence and had personal insecurities hindering ourselves from being who we really are. We helped each other battle our fears and anxieties.

We went to the mall every weekend and tried to make a fool out of ourselves. I knew that whatever trouble we'd get into yelling at people, Sam would always have my back. Like I have his. We got kicked out of many different places like our Wal-Mart that was the only superstore in town, and the mall. It didn't stop us, we still went back and recorded vines as we bonded closer and our insecurities got smaller.

Sam had become so much more to me than just a friend, he is a best friend that I would die for. He knows me so well. Way better than anyone else. I know I am always welcome over at his house whenever I want. Our parents have gotten so close they let me stay over at his place most weekends since we were both 15. We talk about our fears and share our similar philosophies about life and happiness. He keeps me on top of my work and homework when we were in high school together and he is the voice of reason when I am in one of my emo moods. I know I can get moody and weird; he puts up with me so well.

The move from our small town to LA, California was very tough. We each had taken turns driving the first ten hours out to my aunt's house, which was difficult because car rides always make me extremely sleepy. We kept each other awake by listening to our music. (It's an added bonus that we have the same music tastes.)  He might not ever play video games or watch TV like I do but music is one thing that we have in common. He played some Paramore or Taking Back Sunday and we sung along to the music. We've been eating Doritos and PopTarts all day. At least I was. It felt like forever but we were getting closer to our destination. It was just a lot of driving.

Arriving at my aunt's house finally came at 10:31 PM and my aunt met Sam for the first time, "Oh, my! Colby, how you've grown!" She exclaimed as she hugged me tightly and pulled away to look at the blond beside me, "And this is your friend, Sam?"

"Yeah Aunt Pam, this is my best friend, Sam" I say in a somewhat tired yet upbeat voice.

"Hi, Pam. It's nice to meet you and thanks for letting us stay over at your house" Sam and my aunt shake hands. She kisses him on the head. Awww. I smile at him when she pulls away. I'm going to tease him about that later.

"Well, it's late. I'll show you boys around. You guys can sleep in the guest room upstairs across from the bathroom." We followed her into the spacious living room and up the stairs. "There's the bathroom and my room is down the hall if you need me." She said, pointing. She walks into mine and Sam's room and pulls the couch out so it makes a queen-sized bed. "I hope this is enough room."

"It's perfect, Aunt Pam. Thanks so much" I say as I lay my backpack down on the floor beside the couch-bed/bouch.

"This is totally enough room, don't worry" Sam assures her.

"Well, I made some cookies and sandwiches for you boys. I really don't mind if you help yourself to any beverages in the fridge." She smiled. "Oh, and here are some light blankets, you guys are probably used to the cold weather of Kansas and even though it is warmer here, I like the cold. You boys are skinny, so bundle up."

"Thanks, Pam" I say, thankful for the blankeys.

"Yeah, we are so starving" Sam says, rubbing his belly.

"Alright, well I'll leave you guys to it then." She then hugs us both and gives Sam's shoulder a squeeze. "I'll see you in the morning, don't stay up too late. Goodnight."

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