The Waffles

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I wake up to a sleepy Sam still in bed with me. That's a first. . . Usually he's gone or he wakes up before I do. I scan his sleeping form. He is all wrapped up in my blanket to the left of me, snoring; with his arm draped across my chest. His scent wafts up to my nose. I kiss the top of his head lightly and brush the hair out of his eyes. I quietly unwrap my arms from him and put a pillow where I was and he immediately cuddles it. He murmurs something in his sleep as my body heat leaves him cold.

I go to the bathroom and fix my hair and do my business. I start to make myself waffles and decide to make Sam some waffles too. He loves waffles, I think to myself. He'd love it if I stroll in there with some OJ and a big plate of syrupy waffles. The toaster is unplugged to save power but I plug it in for waffles. I get the frozen circles out of the box and pop them in the toaster. I've made him breakfast before, I think. Like when I hand him a PopTart in the morning, that's making him breakfast. Right, guys? Yeah. It counts.

The waffles make a scary sound as they pop up from the toaster. It almost makes me jump. I get out our syrup and squeeze some on my waffles. Sam's waffles go in the toaster next. I wait for his to come up before I lather heavy syrup on his. At first, I try to write his name with syrup on the waffles, but it turned out saying "Pam." Ugh, then I just pour it all over and it looks like a big blob. Whatever. The toaster gets unplugged. I get Sam's Kansas cup out of the cabinet and fill it with orange juice. I balance two plates and Sam's cup to my bedroom and set his dishes down on my bookshelf. I sit down on the edge of my bed facing him and he stirs awake.

Sam stretches and opens his eyes. "Morning, Colby." He says in a raspy, sleep voice. "What time is it?" he looks around for a clock then realization hits in that he isn't in his own room. That he slept with me in my room. Is it a good realization or a bad one? I just can't tell with him :(

"Uh, it's just a little after 9. Sorry to wake you," I say as I shake my head awkwardly. "I, uh, made you waffles." I point to his plate on my bookshelf. He looks surprised that I actually cooked him something. He leans up in my bed with my blanket around his hips and reaches for the plate.

"Dude, there's a lot of syrup," he teases. My face heats up a little in embarrassment. He eats the now soggy waffles anyway. "Thanks, Colby. This was nice," he says as he gulps down orange juice. I watch his adam's apple rises and falls as he talks. Damn. . . As he raises his head up to drink I notice the red marks from Kacey on his neck again. That bitch. I am reminded once again that Sam isn't mine. He has a girlfriend. . . But why would he sleep with me and kiss me like that? Do I want to bring it up? Will he continue seeing her again after what we've done?

I snap back to reality when Sam starts to move the covers off of him exposing his abs. He's trying to get out of bed. "I can get it, Sam," I say softly and rush to get his plate. Our hands brush against each other as I grab it. He grabs my arm before I turn away from him.

"Thanks for letting me sleep with you. You don't know how cold it was in my room," he says looking me in my eyes.

"Yeah, anytime." I say and turn away. I feel his hands go from my back to my chest as he wraps me in a tight hug from behind. My free hand lays atop his hand on my stomach. His chest heats up my back and I can almost feel his heart pulsate inside his chest. He hugs me for a long time and rests his forehead on my shoulder. He lifts his head and smells my skin. I feel his warm lips press in-between my shoulder blades. It feels good. He starts holding me tighter. "Need warming up again?" I tease and he lets me go to wash dishes.

Sam also walks into the kitchen to pour himself some orange juice, he turns around and there's scratch marks on his back from Kacey's nails. What the fuck did they do last night? And then he acts all lovey-dovey with me in the same night? My heart sinks.

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