The Third Sleepover (Storytime)

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We are both 15 years old and are having our 3rd sleepover weekend in a row. Our parents are getting along great and have devised a plan to keep us busy with each other instead of other "bad" influential kids. . I stay over at Sam's house every weekend for band practice early in the morning so my mom doesn't have to drive that far. Sam's house is only 5 minutes away from school whereas mine is 20. Little do they know that we spend most of our weekend time at the mall harassing people and getting out of our comfort zones. We just dared each other to talk to a girl while having the most "feminine" clothes on. I had on a little tank top and short shorts to wear and Sam had a super bright pink shirt and very, very (I could see his balls!) type of tight jeans. We ended up talking to lots of girls that didn't even care what we looked like as long as we were confident in ourselves! It was a very shocking realization! It's not the clothes that make the person, it's the attitude of the wearer. I decided to wear whatever I wanted for the rest of the school year and Sam, well. Let's just say he never got tired of that pink, flamboyant shirt. . Or the color pink in general. His cute swim trunks are pink :) After the experiment we changed our clothes to our normal attire, jeans and t shirts, and made our way to the kitchen for food.

Our dinner at the Golbach residence consisted of steak and potatoes, leafy greens and baked apples for dessert. I make a beeline for the steak and potatoes with apples and grab a coke from Sam's refrigerator. He gets some steak, potatoes and some milk.

"Hey, you don't want some leafies or fruit?" I ask him, curious as to if he's getting enough to eat.

"No, not right now. I'm allergic, actually." He says not looking at me, a big indication that he's embarrassed. I didn't know that about him. Shouldn't I know more about him if we spend all this time together? Well we've only known each other for like a couple months. . I look at him thoughtfully and leave the subject alone. Then he turns around and we go up to Sam's room to talk and eat.

"So how can we be as confident as we can with strangers, but not with Amber?" Sam says. If you don't know, Sam and I have a huuuuuge crush on our drum major, Amber.

"I don't know. ." I say with a mouth full of food. She's so pretty and basically has everyone going after her. The entire band is under her control. I've always felt weird toward girls about liking them. I couldn't tell them that I had feelings for them or even talk to them in a non creepy way. Talking to guys was much easier and natural for me to do. Talking to Sam is natural. "Why are we attracted to someone that we haven't talked to?" I ask.

"I don't know. . I'd like to be her friend. .I'm one of those guys that would fall in love with a best friend or something. I want them to know everything about me, y'know?" he says.

"Yeah, same" I sigh. I look at him eating steak and potatoes. "What other things are you allergic to?"

"Mostly just fruit like apples. I am a very picky eater, like everyone loves pizza. I hate it." He says. I laugh at him hating pizza.

"Why don't you like pizza?"

"I ate too much of it in middle school. I'm sick of it."

"But it's so good." I say, thinking about the deliciousness of all the pizza I've ever eaten.

"It makes me want to puke." He says. I get quiet. He tells me about all of the times he's thrown up different types of food, mostly pizza.

"Guess what, I've only thrown up like 2 times in my life. I hate throwing up" I admit.

"Really? I throw up like 3 times a year." I feel so bad for him right now.

"No wonder why you don't like food" I laugh at him and he throws a pillow at me. I call him a bully and he gets serious.

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