The Perv

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I close my eyes and thrust my hips against the bathroom stall, biting my lip so I won't moan out Colby's name. Colby's message made me extremely horny and doing this in an exotic place like the mechanic's bathroom makes it even more taboo. I want to go slow in this new relationship. . . This is my first gay relationship, and it's his first too. I don't want to mess up our friendship or mistake any friendly feelings for serious relationship shit. Yet, here I am. Sexting Colby and jerking off in a bathroom. All because he told me he was hard. . . Hard and huge and about to bulge out of his boxers for me.

My legs get weak as I feel my orgasm getting closer and I curl my toes in my shoes. I arch my back and lean one hand on the bathroom door. My lips part and I imagine Colby's hand as my own. This feels like heaven, especially with Colby doing the same thing in our apartment. I rub the sensitive part of my member then stroke the underside. Biting my lip I fight a moan. I think about what Colby wants me to do to him. He wants me to fuck him and suck him off. I'd happily do it for him. I'd love to see him writhe and beg for me. I like having complete control in sex and him giving in to my mouth and my dick makes me so hot. I squeeze my dick in my hand and only move my hips in a rhythmic, sinful motion. Damn, Colby. I want to pound him into my bed. . . our bed for hours. Even more precum comes out of the tip as my thoughts drift toward Colby. He told me he's been saying my name and touching himself as he thinks about me. I move my hips faster and the coil in my stomach feels hot and ready to burst. I arch my back and my hips jerk as I cum hard. I ride out my orgasm and shut my eyes. I see Colby's mischievously smiling face. Oh my god. I wipe sweat from my forehead.

My heartbeat returns to normal after a couple seconds of standing there with my eyes closed. I open my eyes and see that I had ejaculated all over the bathroom door. I get a couple sheets of toilet paper and wipe it off. My phone vibrates.

Colby: Are you good?

I look down at my softening member, smiling.

Me: Yeah, just made a big mess all over the door.

I get another sheet of toilet paper and clean myself off then flush the toilet. All evidence of this will be gone. I zip up my pants and buckle them awkwardly then go wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror and fix my hair. I check the seat of my pants to make sure there's no cum on myself one last time, and walk out of the bathroom. One guy is staring at me and I vaguely remember seeing him before I went into the bathroom. How long was I in there? 5 minutes. . . 15? Somewhere in between those two. Anyway he probably thinks I have a bladder problem or I had to take a huge dump. I make it less awkward by smiling at him and then I sit back down until Colby texts back.

Colby: That was really great. Thank you.

Colby: I'll see you when you get home.

My face heats up after I read that text. Will this change everything. Would he want to have sex when I get home. . . We don't even have condoms. I rub my beard as I think of any pharmacies that sell condoms on the way home. There's a Walgreen's. It's the same one that he was at yesterday when I was sick. The man in the waiting room stares at me like he knows what I did in the bathroom, I ignore him and read a boring car magazine.

I wait in the mechanic's waiting room for 5 more minutes before they call my name and I pay them for their services. I'm happy to be away from that awkward guy that probably suspects what I did in the bathroom. . . On the way home I park inside Walgreen's and walk inside. The woman behind the counter greets me and I smile at her. I go straight to the pharmacy section and stare at the condoms. One of my friends has given me condoms but I don't remember the specifics of condom that he shared with me. . . There's so many! Ribbed ones for her (don't need that), Flavored ones (that could be useful), lubed.

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