The Perfect Moment

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A/N Ok but my dream girl would have most of those qualities ^^^^^^^^^ Just saying :)

Allison and I make our way back to the hotel room. I tell her all about Colby and how sweet he is the entire time we trek to the room. My parents enter our room after breakfast and for the rest of the day I take my family on a tour of Los Angeles.

We drive to the grove where Colby and I went a couple weeks ago. It is a little less lively than when I was here before. I see Allison's face become animated as she looks at all of the clothes and jewelry that she can look at and my brother's face at all of the car memorabilia. I remain quiet during the trip and my mind is racing with thoughts of Colby. . . I start to text him that I miss him but then delete it. . . I don't want to come off as clingy or anything. Why? I don't want to be a clingy boyfriend or anything, but at the same time I have trouble showing my feelings anyway. The grove path curves and I have trouble walking straight with my phone still on Colby's empty text box. The struggle is real. I sigh as I put my phone back in my pocket and follow my dad into a watch store. He's really into watches. He "watches" (haha) this one YouTube channel that is literally all about watches. It's got more viewers than our Sam and Colby account! (Stay with me here, folks.) One time the channel was doing a watch giveaway. The challenge was if a viewer could guess what kind of watch was being shown without any labels on it or anything. The video came out and my dad knew what watch it was so he commented the brand and then he won it. . That's how nerdy he is about watches.

As my family strolls past all of the shops, I get flashbacks of when I bought Colby his necklace that he can't seem to get enough of. He literally loves it so much. I got it for him the day that he first told me that he loved me. He hasn't parted with it since. . Actually, I really don't think he's every taken it off. . Maybe for showers but I wouldn't know. I haven't taken a shower with him to check if he ever takes it off. Yet. That will be something that I want to happen soon. . A steamy shower with Colby. He's never really talked about bathing together or washing each other. It seems like something I'd like to try. The one thing Colby's subtly mentioned to me was getting a blowjob when he sexted me a couple weeks ago asking if I could fit him in his mouth. Mmmm he is a big boy, but I think I can give a good blowjob. Colby is already super sensitive virgin. I'm sure he'd love a surprise blowjob soon. . I start to zone out a little bit then in my peripheral vision, see Ben wave me over.

My brother points and looks at a baseball memorabilia shop while we talk a little about baseball (author knows nothing about baseball). He gets a new baseball hat that says LA on it. It matches the blue shirt he has on today. Speaking of clothes, Allison is shopping at a place that makes homemade dresses and accessories. Her and mom are looking at matching bracelets. I think that's the same place adjacent to it where I got Colby's necklace engraved. I smile and think of how we will be alone tonight, just the two of us. Ben notices me smiling at necklaces.

"You okay, man?"

"Uh. Yeah," I turn my head away as my face starts to heat up in embarassment.

"Thinking about Colby?" he smirks at me. Literally smirks.

"No. Leave me alone, brat." I lie, playfully punching his shoulder and hear yelling from dad to go get lunch somewhere. We walk out of the baseball place with Ben's new hat.

We eat at a nice Italian restaurant and plan how we are going to spend Thanksgiving tomorrow. Mom wants to skip cooking and go out to eat. The waiter interrupts our little fight on how we are going to spend Thanksgiving by asking for our orders. We order salads and a lot of pasta. Our family feud resumes as we wait the 20 minutes for our food to be done. My dad wants to save money and just have a turkey with easy-to-make sides in mine and Colby's apartment. I say that if they want to make a turkey in my apartment then that's fine.

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