The First Time. .

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A/N This is dedicated to IButler55 and any other people who actually care about my story and what is going to happen next.  I never thought my story about two guys would have any impact or any readers, for that matter. I hope I make you guys proud and will accept any special requests to the story. This is for you.  This book is for you.

I would also like to thank my loyal voters and readers,  I'm sorry I couldn't have updated anything in the past two weeks.   If you like it, please don't forget to comment and vote.  It helps me get inspired to write!!!! And without further ado. . . THE FIRST TIME!!!

Sam and I have been cleaning for the past 5 hours together. JUST CLEANING. . . EVERYTHING. . . I've vacuumed our rooms, washed the couch cover again (Don't judge. . .Sam's germs might still be there!) Plus, I've dusted and scrubbed the bathtub out a million times. I keep finding little brunette Colby hairs! Like, why? None of Sam's though. Does the boy not loose hair? Maybe they are too blond and transparent to see in the all-white bathroom. Nevertheless, I realize that I've been loosing a lot of hair just thinking of his parents here!

Don't get me wrong, I've talked and had dinner with his parents before but now there's something different in the air whenever Sam talks about them. Things that take over my mind like: How will they react to us being together and more than friends? Will they look at me differently and think I've "tainted" their kid? I mean c'mon. . . It's pretty obvious that I'm a little. . . gay, okay maybe actually a lot, but I haven't done anything without Sam's consent to getting physical. Anyway it's mostly him that starts the touching and kissing and cuddling and biting and scratching and oh, God. But Sam's parents really like me. His brother even calls me his brother too! I don't talk much with Allison but we're friends on Facebook and she's super supportive of Sam and mine's decision to start Vine. The only real time that his parents have ever disapproved of our friendship was when Sam and I were trying Japanese food for a YouTube video and Sam couldn't breathe for a minute because of the large quantity of powder that I fed him. His dad was so angry, it was the first time he expressed anger and yelled at me. He was furious that I just watched Sam choke and cough and stayed downstairs while he was fighting to breathe. I apologized to Sam's dad but I feel like I should've done more. I know I had intense feelings for Sam even then, before we graduated and moved out. I swear I've had these feelings for a long time. . . They were just dormant, hidden away until it built up so much that I had to do something about it. I watch Sam dust the counters in the kitchen and I love how he's so focused on making the place look perfect. I wrap my arms around his lower hip region and whisper to him that he's doing a great job. Then I kiss his cheek. He turns around and smiles at me.

"Baby, did you vacuum the bedrooms to move your bed?" he says gently, so I know he's trying not to boss me around.

"Yeah, I vacuumed the entire apartment" I say as I reach past him and grab a cherry PopTart out of the pantry. I open it and eat it slowly. Sam takes the other PopTart in my package and looks around at the apartment for anything else that needs some serious cleaning. I lean against the counter as a wrinkle of worry spreads across my lover's face. "Hey. ." I grip his hand and kiss it softly, "you've done a lot. Let me finish cleaning and you can cook dinner?" I offer to him as he rubs his thumb over my hand.

"Okay," he smiles at me for about the second time today. "How does potato stroganoff sound?" he laughs as my eyes get big and I nod excitedly. I hug him and kiss his ear, which earned an exasperated groan from him. Mmmm. It's making me excited for our last night tonight.

He knows just what to make me to get me motivated and in a good mood. I finished cleaning the rest of the living room and bathroom while he makes my favorite dinner. We eat together on our table for two facing each other. He enjoys watching my face as I eat all of my stroganoff happily :) I make involuntary sounds of pleasure as I'm eating. "Mmmm Sam, this is great. So good, baby!" I groan and it makes him a little flustered. His face gets a little red and he stops eating to listen to me. "Mmm" I groan again deeply and swallow.

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