The Rock and Water Pokémon

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Sam and I have been sleeping together. No, you overly-obsessed Sam and Colby stalker, we haven't had sex. . .yet. What I mean is we've been sleeping together in the context that we sleep in the same bed, his bed to be precise. It was something that we didn't even have a conversation about, it just happened.

I still haven't turned the heat on because it's usually around low 60's during the evening and we have lots of blankets. Plus, Sam can always cuddle me if he's cold, it's a win-win for Little Colby and I.

The one thing that I could never get used to is sleeping with Sam. Seeing him laying there, inches away from me is breathtaking. Everyday it's like seeing a rare Pokémon, though I don't need a Master Ball to "catch" Sam. He would willingly join my party and be my favorite Pokémon ever. He would be that one Pokémon that I never put in the PC. Hell, he'd be like Ash's Pikachu and he'd never even go in his Pokéball. We'd go to the Elite Four together and dominate the Pokémon league. If Sam were a Pokémon, I think he'd be a water type. I know what you're thinking, guys. . "Colby, this metaphor is taking too long!" you whine. "Stop talking about Pokémon! Why are you so weird? This isn't a relatable way to show your love for Sam!" And to this I would scoff and say, "you right, you right. I stop."

Anyway, sorry. Back to sleeping with Sam :) It's wonderful. He is occasionally a little brat though, he will take my covers in the middle of the night, or roll over so I have about little to no space in his little twin bed. I'm surprised I haven't fallen off at all. We have to sleep closely just for the two of us to stay on the bed. It's easier when he just lays on me in the night but he likes to sleep on his side. So I sleep behind him (his back usually faces me anyway). I stare at the curves and muscles on his back as he breathes deeply. He's still sleeping at 10 o'clock in the morning. I don't want to get up, I just want to sleep with him. I close my eyes too and wrap an arm around him. We don't have anything else to do this early in the morning. Sam groans in his sleep and leans back into me. His butt is right up against my. . sensitive area. Damn.

I try not to get aroused by this. I try to just be calm and sleep with him but this is too much. We do cuddle and get excited time after time but we're trying to take this slow. I make things awkward by having a boner of every little touch or look Sam gives me. Little Colby ruins everything! I look down at my boxers. He's excited all right. I get on my feet and pull my arm back from Sam before he can feel me against him. I tip-toe three legged into the bathroom. "Little Colby" is definitely an understatement right now! I haven't climaxed in over two weeks, since we started sleeping together it's been difficult to get any sexual pleasure from Sam. We aren't like that yet and I'm not sure how to talk to Sam about it. What if he gets turned off by me?

I make it to the bathroom and feel myself through my boxers. I'm already soaking my boxers with precum and almost fully aroused. I squeeze my clothed member in my warm hand. I clench my teeth, I want to groan Sam's name. . . Oh, god how I've missed this. I slide my hand in my boxers and stroke my warm, hard length, my hips jerk against my hand and I grab the side of the sink for support. I want to call Sam in here to help me. I want him to see what he's been doing to me. I want him to see how he makes my body feel. But I don't. I free my erection from my boxers and grab the Vaseline in the cabinet under the sink.

I close the door all the way and lock it. The bathroom echoes with my heavy breathing.


I wake up in bed without Colby. It's colder without him in the room, I pull the blanket around my shoulders. The musky scent of him is still on the pillow, in my sheets, in the air. He's probably in the bathroom fixing his hair or something. I get up quickly and immediately start to feel lightheaded. I carry the covers from my bed into the front room and turn on the TV. I rub my eyes and try to watch. I hear Colby turn the shower on in the bathroom. He groans as a shampoo/conditioner bottle hits the shower floor and then I hear echoic drop of another bottle. He says a string of cuss words and I laugh at his pain a little bit. Colby turns the water off and then in about ten minutes (he has to fix his hair) he opens the door.

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