The Dark

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I am startled awake by Colby's arm going across my waist and pulling me closer to his body.

"What are you doing?" I question, not really scared of this situation but curious.

"Nothing," Colby's deep voice rumbles. I turn over and we lock eyes for about a minute. His arm drops to his side now. I know Colby has a thing for eyes, and blue. My eyes are blue and he's staring deeply into them. The lights are still on around the motel's parking lot and it illuminates the room and Colby's naked chest. I break eye contact to stare at the rest of his face and his body.

The light emanating from the outside compliments his physique. His chest is broad and tan, his arms are flexing as he gets up on his elbows to look at me. His abs are defined as he flexes them in order to keep upright like this. He looks like a god. I fight the urge to touch them and caress his chest. I think about how soft his skin will feel under my hands. Now my hands are on his skin and he is pulling me on top of him. I run my hands on his chest and down his abs. His hands are on my face and now they are rubbing my back bringing our bodies closer together. Colby brings his face up to mine and he kisses my lips softly, asking with his eyes if he can do more. I kiss him back and my tongue goes to his lips. He grants me entrance into his mouth and our tongues dance. He is an experienced kisser. Our tongues massage each other and a nice sensation is sent throughout my body. Our lips become molded to each other and we get more into it. He touches my face and smiles into our kiss. We pull back and breathe hard against the other's forehead. I look down at him. His dark hair is in his eyes and is spiking every which way from the pillow he had his head on. I push the hair out of his eyes and we look deep into the others eyes. My light blue eyes meet his darker ones. The light is peering in through the window into one of his eyes and left side of his face making one side lighter than the other. He looks different.

His face is like a yin-yang symbol and I'm attracted to his dark, his yang. I separate his legs with my knee and grind into his growing bulge in his black boxers. He lets out a moan and says my name. He needs me to keep going and I want so much more. I place another leg in-between his and now I'm pounding him into the bed. His hands rub my chest as our sweaty bodies move against each other. I place my hands on the sides of him and move my hips faster and deeper into his boxers. We look at each other while I'm doing this. He smiles mischievously. His hands go from my chest to inside my boxers. His hands wrap around me and he strokes me hungrily. Now one of his eyes is red and the other is blue. His skin is darker and his actions are more rough and aggressive. I try to match his pace and my hips feel like they are on fire. Colby's skin is almost burning me. I try to pull away but he traps me there in his arms. Colby grows fangs and claws and is ripping into my skin. He bites my lips, my neck, and my shoulders. His claws are on my back trying to rip me apart. I can feel searing heat and warm blood drip down my back and onto the sheets. I can't take this feeling of being enveloped in him and being hurt at the same time. I shout out.

I open my eyes and turn over to look at him. What the hell kind of dream was that? Colby is sleeping still, facing me as he takes in deep breaths. Ugh that was so weird. Let's not do that again, Sam's brain. I think about the beginning of the dream. The almost-sex with Colby. It's not that I'm disgusted by it, but more intrigued that I had thought that way about my friend. I have had dreams about both guys and girls in that way but I dismiss it as just being a teenager. My dreams are normal, right? I'm a teenage guy that overly sexually charged, that's the culprit. I'm not gay or anything. . . Probably.

The room feels as if it's 100 degrees. That can't be right. I get up and dress myself in black shorts and a gray T shirt. I look over at the clock, it's 8 in the morning. I know this cheap ass motel doesn't even have any breakfast to be served so I look in the refrigerator that Colby stocked up from our Wal-Mart trip. Is this real life? We have peaches and rice but Colby forgot to get forks and knives. I facepalm in my head. There is a finger pull opening device on the lid of the peaches and I drink the sweet peach juice. Then I tip the can and fill my mouth with peaches. So very caveman of me but whatever. I watch TV until Colby wakes up.

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