When You Do Something Called Chill-Anging

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Your POV

I sighed in content and laid back onto my bed, careful not to let my F/C earphones fall out. The music blasted through them as I increased the volume to max. Suddenly, my phone beeped, indicating I'd just received a new message. My cheeks heat up as I looked at the name.



C/N: Hey N/N! Doing anything? :)
Y/N: Nope. Y? :|
C/N: Well...u wanna hang out later? It's okay if u don't...

Despite you blushing fifty shades of red (BURN THAT BOOK!!!), the joy and butterflies inside you exploded like rainbows and you smiled widely.

Y/N: Actually, yea, sure! Wt time? :D
C/N: Great! At 6 probably :)
Y/N: Kk. At mah house?
C/N: If u want.
Y/N: My house it is! C U!!! <3 ^^
C/N: C u 2 N/N! :DDD

You smiled and fangirled in every inch of your bedroom. You were squealing and jumping up and down so hard, you didn't realize that the ceiling of the floor beneath you started to LITERALLY shake!!!

"Y/N?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! QUIT BEING A POTATO HEADED ELEPHANT AND STOP!!!" Your sister yelled from down the stairs. You rolled your eyes and started to giggle uncontrollably.

*sigh* Those gummy bears....and that hottie....

~Le Time Skip brought to you by Hiro Cute Hamada and Baymax The Adorable cuz I love those two and Hiro is senpai and bæ as is Baymax~

I woke up to the faint sound of my alarm clock buzzing and groaned. I could feel something wet and slimy and the corners of my mouth and started to freak out. OH NO!!! THE GLOB MONSTER IS BACK!!!!

Looking back at your pillow, you face palmed at what was in front of you.

You just fucking drooled all over your pillow -_______-

Groaning, you got up and went inside the bathroom to wash your face. One look at your face nearly made you vomit. Your hair was a terrible mess, literally like Anna's from Frozen when she woke up. Your dried spit covered the corners of your mouth, while some of it was still fresh. (I nearly puked while writing this >:p)

You gagged and literally gave your whole entire head a bath. In fact, you were so wet that you just decided to take a shower.

~Mini Time Skip of you singing Rihanna in the shower and don't worry I don't like her if you don't~

Stepping out of the bathroom after a nice and relaxing bubble bath, you wrapped your F/C fuzzy bathrobe tightly around you and began to dry your hair. The noises of the dryer were so loud, you didn't hear footsteps approaching your bedroom stairs....


I rang the doorbell to Y/N's house and calmed my jumpy nerves. A girl who I assumed was Y/N's older sister opened the door. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me.

"Are you C/N?" She asked. I nodded.
"Yeah. Did Y/N tell you I was coming over?" I asked her. She smirked at me slightly.
"Yep. She rambled on and on about you." Her sister said, a smug look on her face. I felt my face heat up and my heart beat loudly.
"Uh..." I stumbled for the right words. Y/N's sister laughed and stepped aside, gesturing me to come in. I walked in and thanked her, heading upstairs to Y/N's room. The sounds of a hair dryer being used came from her room and I assumed she'd just changed and was drying her hair.

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