When You Seek Revenge From His Tickling

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Your POV

I stood on the porch of the C/L/N household and rang the doorbell. From inside, a few crashes could be a heard and a lady started yelling something. The voice of a boy shouted an apology back and approached the door, opening it.

"Oh hey, Y/N!" Luke greeted me. I smiled at him.

"Hey Luke! Is C/N home?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Yep. Sure is. He's just finishing up his chores. Why? Miss him?" He teased. I turned red.

"Haha. Hilarious. Now lemme in." I said, wiggling past him. He laughed at moved out of the way, letting me in.

"Young love is so cute!" I heard him shout. I blushed and rolled my eyes. Typical Luke.

"Hey Ms. C/L/N!" I greeted C/N's mom. She turned her head towards me and smiled brightly.

"Hello there, Y/N! It's so nice to see you!" She said, walking over and giving me a hug. I laughed.

"You too, Ms. C/L/N." I said, pulling away. She waved it off.

"Please. Call me mom. Someday you will have to." She winked. I felt my face turn red while Connor and C/N's mom laughed.

"Mom, I'm finished. Can I go to Y/N's now?" C/N's voice rang from up the stairs. I reacted quickly and darted into a room near the stairs. Connor laughed again.

"Not yet, C/N!" His mom said, smiling knowingly in my direction. I snickered when I heard C/N groan.

"You let Luke see Lyla when he has chores!" He whined. His mom chuckled.

"Because he finishes them." She said.

"No he doesn't! I have to do them!" C/N complained. His mom looked at Luke in fake and amused shock while the older C/L/N brother rolled his eyes. I silently laughed at their conversation.

"Do you now, Luke?" She asked. Luke snorted.

"Don't listen to little C/N, mom. He's always like that." Luke chuckled.

Peeking my head slightly up the stairs, I saw C/N coming down the stairs. I smirked.


When he reached the bottom, I took my chance and jumped on him. C/N shrieked in surprise while I pretended to cackle evily.

"Got ya!" I yelled in triumph, sitting in his shoulders. He glared playfully at me.

"Very funny, Y/N. Very funny. Now get down." He said, placing his hands on my legs and walking into the living room.

"Nope!" I said. He sighed and tried to shake me off, standing at the edge of the couch in case I fell. It backfired. I clutched onto his neck, making him choke.

"I'm gonna choke, Y/N!" He complained. I loosened my grip and laughed.

"Sorry." I apologized. He took his opportunity and tried to shake me off again, resulting in my right leg dropping off his shoulder. Quickly, he shrugged me off and I landed on the couch.

"Soft landing." I remarked. He laughed and plopped down next to me, kissing my cheek.

"Hey." He said. I smiled.

"Hi." I greeted back, snuggling into his side. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, flicking through Netflix.

"What cha wanna watch?" He asked, nuzzling his nose against mine. I smiled.

"Big Hero 6?" I asked, doing puppy dog eyes. C/N groaned in annoyance and tried to look away, only resulting in him giving in and putting on the movie I asked for.

"I swear, you're going to be the death of me, Y/N." He said, a grin slowly making its way onto his lips. I shrugged innocently and giggled quietly, enjoying the rest of the night with my lover.


Awwwwww! Wasn't the ending cute?

I thought it was!

Sorry for making it so short and sorry again for the late update!

And sorry cause it sucked. But then again, thirds a lucky charm, sooooo...forgive me?

Fangirl: NEVER! *run towards me with blowtorches and pitchforks*

Me: Well, ladies and gentlemen, THAT'S MY CUE! Off I go! *runs away as fangirls chase me*

*audience laughs*




~Lyla Hamada ^^ <3 (The one and only :P)

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