When Cuddles Mean The World

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Who likes cuddles?

I do!

Here! *hands you a Baymax*

Go and cuddle Baymax to express your....er...interest in robots!...

...And availability...

...to Hiro Hamada...


P.S. I legit changed Connors name to Luke and made him C/N's brother again. And don't worry, there's no need to worry. I mean, who says Lyla and Luke are gonna get married? I didn't! *smirks*

P.P.S. Huh. I just realized both their names start with L! Wow! Lyla and Luke... Gonna need a ship name for that. Any suggestions?


Your POV

What is one thing that every child disgusts and absolutely hates?

Oh gee! Maybe it's chores!

Which is exactly what your dear mother was making you do.

"You know, I always thought you loved me. Turns out we were both mistaken after you made me unclog the toilet." You roll your eyes, walking downstairs with the basket full of dirty water.

"And who's fault do you think that was?" She asks. You glare playfully.

"Hey! It wasn't me! Next time, tell your husband to lay off the chips and salsa!" You groan.

"How interesting. I'll let him know that Mexican food is no longer available in the house." She winks, walking off into the kitchen.

"You know well enough that's not what I meant, mom!" You yell after her, rolling your eyes as she laughs.

"I'm home!" Lyla yells, your head turning towards the door as she takes her boots off. You wave at her.

"Hey, kiddo." She greets back, ruffling your hair. You stick your tongue out as you attempt to fix it back.

"Alright, because you worked so hard, Y/N... I made cookies!" Your mom says, walking out the kitchen with a plate full of them.

"Oh goodie! You do love me!" You squeal at the sight of them, grabbing one and munching gratefully on it. Lyla rolls her eyes and reaches out for one, your mom slapping her hand away.

"Nope. Not until you finish that assessment." She says.

"But--" Lyla whines before groaning as she trudges upstairs.

"And don't attempt to climb out the window!" Your mom yells before looking back at you and huffing.

"Aren't we one lovely family..." You say sarcastically.

"Tell me about it." She sighs before walking off into the kitchen, you laughing.

"I'm heading over to C/N's, mom." You inform her.

"Alright. Don't stay too long though." She calls from the kitchen. You grab your converse, putting it on before heading over to his house.

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