He/You Like(s) It When You/He... [Update Marathon Pt. 4]

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What the fuck.

I was writing this (and eating chips cause I'm more attracted to carbohydrates than men) and listening to music when I heard my dad say something.

So I paused my music to see if he was calling me or something.

Guess what I heard.



He likes it when you:

- Greet him in the morning with that smile of yours he so dearly adores

- Run your fingers through his hair

- Roll your eyes but smile anyways at his corny jokes

- Respond sarcastically

- Shut his best friends up when they attempt to insult you

- Kiss him on the cheek secretly during lessons

- Clutch onto him tightly during horror movies

- Practically throw your legs over his body when you're both cuddling

- Steal his food and nibble on it as he playfully glares at you

- Secretly get jealous and hope that he won't notice (which he does) when a girl stares at him for too long

- Complain to him on purpose knowing that it annoys him to no end because he finds it cute

- Stick your tongue out playfully at him

- Come over to his house to study but wind up procrastinating by making out

- When you wear sweaters or scarfs because you look really cuddly

- Kiss him in general

- Tell him that you love him

You like it when he:

- Smiles at you brightly in the morning

- Makes stupid puns that make you somehow smile

- Tries to instantly cheer you up when you're upset

- Runs his fingers through your hair

- Strokes your hand or cheek when you're cuddling

- Holds your hand while walking you to class

- Gets mad over stupid little things because his cheeks puff up adorably

- Pouts when you say a good comeback that shuts him up

- Insists on carrying your bag sometimes because his whining is really cute

- Calls you princess

- Kisses your neck softly in an effort of calming you down while watching horror movies

- Sends you cute good night and good morning texts

- Tries to flirt by using stupid pick up lines on you

- Kisses you in general

- Tells you that he loves you






~ Lyla :)

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