When One Of You Is Cold - [REQUESTED]

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....Please somebody tell me that I need a life because me needs to be brought back to the reality of this planet.

You know, the one called Earth where a man with a fake ass tan builds walls for no reason and tries to kick out Mexicans from a country which has court trials over McDonalds coffee being one too many degrees hot.


You're cold:

"Princess, are you okay?" C/N whispers in the middle of a lecture. You crack a forced smile and nod your head, turning back to the teacher.

Truth be told, the A.C. temperature was below negative 20 degrees in the class or something and you were freezing your ass off right now. You know, the one that probably got frostbite 20 minutes ago.

"No you're not. You have goosebumps and your teeth are chattering like someone put their phone on vibrate and was spammed by a drunk friend." He remarks, chuckling lightly at his own joke. Idiot.

Annoyingly stupid adorable idiot.

"I'm fine." You grit your teeth and glare at him. He looks taken aback before he catches on and rolls his eyes.

"I swear to god, I will never meet anyone so goddamn stubborn like you." He says, shrugging off his hoodie and putting it around your shoulders.

You immediately put your hands through it and pull the zipper up, shoving your hands into the warm pockets. He smiles and puts the cap on, tightening it around your head. You bury yourself into it and inhale lightly, smelling his scent lingering onto the fabric.

"Thanks, babe." You say, kissing his cheek without trying to draw any attention towards you.

Unfortunately, lucky days in your life practically don't exist like non-flawlessness in Beyoncé and today was definitely a day your Geography teacher would remember.

"Y/N! C/N! No PDA in class! Detention for both of you!" He rebukes while writing you both a note.

When he's not facing you, you roll your eyes and stick your tongue behind his back, turning to C/N and pecking his lips like it was the most casual thing in the world.

Tracy Edwards, the biggest tattletale in the whole school, who just happens to sit next to you in class opens her big mouth to complain once again about you.

Before any words can tumble from her useless mouth, you narrow your eyes in the angriest glare you can muster and mouth an 'I will end your life.'. She rolls her stupid eyes and turns back to class, not wanting to get in trouble for talking.

"Well played." C/N chuckles, lacing your hands together underneath the table. You smirk and giggle quietly.

"Oh and by the way, did I mention how hot you look in that?"

He's cold:

"C/N, are you okay?" You ask on a crisp morning. You had just left your house a while ago and had managed to catch him while he was walking to school.

"Yeah, just cold." He shrugs but you can tell he's freezing, judging by his pink nose and ears.

"That's what you get for wearing mid-sleeved shirts in autumn." You roll your eyes, pausing your movements and pulling out a scarf.

"Y/N, I am not wearing that." He makes a face as he eyes the pink material. You glare.

"Well, Mr. Sexist, some of us actually care if you catch hypothermia, so you're gonna wear this scarf no matter what that tiny brain of yours objects against." You warn, wrapping it around both your shoulders considering it was fairly big.

"Hmph." He pouts cutely and looks at you with an adorable frown as you continue to walk.

"You're charm isn't going to get you out of your girlfriends wraths, ya know. News flash, some of us have seen the puppy dog eyes one too many times." You state without even looking at him.

"Damn, you're good." He remarks. You decide that's it's getting a little too hot with the scarf on top of your jacket and grab it off your shoulders, wrapping it around C/N fully.

"There. Much better." You say. He gives you an unamused look and you laugh, pulling him forward so you can kiss him. After pulling away, you roll your eyes at his expression.

"Trust me, you look adorable.

~In the shitty Highschool which everyone wishes was actually Beacon Hills because who wouldn't want a Stiles in their school?~

"Oh my god, have you seen C/N? He looks so adorable!" You hear a few girls mingle amongst themselves as you put away your books. You raise an eyebrow and just leave them at their fantasies. After all, what else did they have?


"Hey." You hear behind you. You turn to face your boyfriend, who was red in the face.

"You haven't taken my scarf off yet. Here, I'll take it." You reach out but he flinches away. Looking at him in a confused manner, you cross your arms in front of your chest.

"No. I'm still cold." He says quickly. Too quickly.

"C/N, you're sweating." You say, smirking to yourself as you catch onto what he's saying.

"Yeah. But--" He tries to say something but can't think of anything. You laugh.

"I'll spare us both the awkwardness. Just remember, that this--" You say, gesturing to him. "Is mine." You finish, pointing to yourself.

"Always." He smiles, kissing your cheek.


I just realized--


Which one was your favorite out of the two?

Personally, I liked C/N's because it was both funny and adorable at the same time, heh!

But the real question is...


Lmao just kidding. This is so cheesy, I think I died from the cliche of it.


@CreativeBeulluBel I hope you like it!

I changed the concept a bit but I don't think you care in all honesty cause you got a bonus from what you requested :p

So lol oops I kinda got carried away

But then again, do. y'all really mind? ;)



~ Lyla :)

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