When Either Of You Tries To Get Something Out Of The Other [JUST DIALOGUE]

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lol double update yay

.....What is wrong with me?

I should be researching for my school group project and I'm here at 8:42 PM, trying to write fanfiction based on my imaginary life goals with any hot guy I may come across....



"So... C/N..."

"Oh great. I know that voice. What do you want?"

"....What was the biology homework?"

"Do you ever listen in class, princess?"

"I do. I just kinda zoned out today."

"That's your excuse all the time."

"Hey, it was true this time."

"So it was a lie the other times?"

"...Shut up and just tell me."


"Just search the word up."

"But I'm too lazy to open my phone. Tell me?"

"No, do your work on your own. Haven't you ever heard of DIY?

"Is that a word for decorating?"

"Yes, but-- Never mind."

"Tell me!"

"What, no."


"Shut up."

"Then tell me."

"Why should I?"


"Because what?"

"Because you love me."

"No I don't."

"I won't talk to you."

"What are you doing right now?"

"Talking to you."

"My point exactly."

"....I hate you."


You know, it's a real struggle to write humor when you're listening to a freaking sex song.


What? It's a crime to listen to Ariana Grande?



~ Lyla :)

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