He Grows Some And Kisses You

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OHHHHHHH!!! Things are gonna get heated soon~!


Your POV



Too last season. Wait, what am I saying?!

You stood in front of your closet, staring aimlessly at the dresses in front of you. There were soooo many to choose from! Okay, maybe only like 20 dresses, but still! How do you know what to wear on practically your FIRST MOTHERFUCKING DATE WITH YOUR CRUSH TO THE SCHOOL DANCE?!?!?!?!?!

You started to panic. What if C/N didn't like the dress you wore? What if he thought it was too short? What if it was too long? What would he say? Would he even consider going to the dance with someone else if that happened?!

You bit your bottom lip and racked your brain REAL HARD, trying to decide.

Still. Nothing.

"Only one thing left to do...." You muttered to yourself, looking at your phone.

~Le Time Skip~

"No, no, no, no, no, no..um....how about this one?" Katy asked, holding up a ridiculously short red cocktail dress with sleeves that went up to your elbows. You shook your head at her.

"No shit, Sherlock." You said in all seriousness. Katy groaned while Angel, who was sitting next to you on the bed, rolled her eyes.

"What do you want to wear then, Y/N? Your MOMS dresses???" Angel asked. You gave her a "Fuck, no." look to which she chuckled.

"Fine then. That's out." Katy said, throwing the dress aside.

"How did that even get here? I don't remember buying it..." You wondered out loud.

"It's Chloe's dress." She smirked. Yours and Angel's jaw dropped open as you both stared incredulously at your BFF who claimed to have stolen your sworn enemy for life's OWN DRESS.

"WHAT?!" You both shrieked at her. She waved it off.

"I'm sure she won't mind I borrowed it." Katy winked. Angel shook her head while you just stared blankly at your friend. You face palmed after a while.

"You're a real bitch, babe." You said. Katy rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Oh- HEY! LOOK!" She turned around and started to practically dug through your closet to what she found. Angel went over to help while you sat there, daydreaming with your eyes closed. After a few seconds, you heard squeals of delight.

You opened your eyes, only to lay them on the most gorgeous dress to ever exist. It was a shade of a beautiful lavender and just the perfect size.

"My favorite cousin gave me that on my 13th birthday!" You said, when you finally remembered about it. It was your absolute favorite and you loved it more than life and C/N themselves. Well, not C/N.

You snatched it from your BFFS and were about to head inside the bathroom when your friends stopped you. They smirked. You raised an eyebrow and finally noticed why. Katy was holding diamond earrings and a light purple necklace while Angel had silver heels and her mega huge makeup kit with her.

"Once you're done, we need to glam you up and add the finishing touches, got it?" They asked. You just stared at them and nodded, wondering what the hell they were going to do....

~Time Skip brought to you by deluxe waffles! $3.30 a waffle each! 20 cents extra for toppings! You can choose through a variety of Nutella, strawberry and caramel! Order up! First customer gets it for free!~

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