When You Finally Get Asked To The Dance

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I can do this...

All I have to do...is ask one freaking lame question....

Okay...deep breath...deep breath...

"Bro, you okay?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around and saw my best friend, Ryan (OMG It's Ryan Potter!!!) looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I sighed and put my face in my hands. (that sounded less weird in my head 😂😁😅)

"I don't know anymore." I told him. He gave me a 'I don't give a fuck about what you're saying' look before secretly turning back to checking his Facebook account. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my book, wondering what Y/N was thinking...

I need to ask her.

Your POV

"Psst! Y/N!" Katy whisper shouted to me, snapping me out of my day dream fantasy with C/N. I blinked lifelessly before looking at her with a glare. I mean, who deserves to be interrupted from their future dreams with their senpai in the middle of Geography class?! Well, unless your Justin Bieber. (And Selena Gomez! No offense, but I do NOT approve of her relationship with Nialler 😞) But doesn't that make him gay...?

"Y/N, quit zoning out unless you want detention." Angel whispered. I turned to my right and just gave her a blank look. She stared back at me aimlessly before shaking her head and going back to texting on Instagram. Touché...

"Are you okay? You seem off..." Katy said quietly. I just shrugged and gave her a ':/' look. She gave me a '-.-' look back before looking at the teacher and mentally pretending to sue him. I face palmed quietly and looked out the window. The clouds floated into the the air while Luigi and Mario jumped on them....wait, what?

You sighed, wondering if anyone would ask you out to the school dance.... (As cliche and sad life is...)

~Le Time Skip brought to you by Sebastian the butler~

"Y/N!" A voice called out. You shut your locker door and turned around, feeling butterflies explode when you saw C/N's handsome face. (😍) He ran up to you, panting slightly. You smiled at him, making his cheeks turn pink.

"Hey! What's up? And not the sky doesn't count." You deadpanned. He chuckled.

"I just..uh...wanted to ask you something..." He said while scratching the back of his head and turning red in the face.

"Well go on then." You said encouragingly, giving him your full attention.

"You know...." Before he could continue further, you interrupted.

"No, I don't know." You smirked. He looked at you blankly before rolling his eyes.

"Then listen." He said. You laughed and nodded, before telling him to proceed.

"I was wondering if you...well...I was hoping if you could, you know...I just..." He fumbled for the right words. Suddenly, Ryan and Jason appeared in the hallway and whistled at C/N.

"BRO, IF YOU'RE ASKING HER OUT, DO IT PROPERLY!" Ryan shouted. You and C/an winced at the loud volume of his voice before C/N glared at him, blushing hard.

"SHUT UP, RYAN!" He yelled back. Ryan and Jamie snickered before walking off.

C/N turned back to you with an embarrassed look on his face, laughing nervously.

"Those stinkers...I'll get them..." He muttered. You blushed and looked at him.

"Did you want to ask me out? T-to the d-dance?" You mentally banged your head in the wall for stuttering. C/N turned a darker shade of red.

"Y-yeah. I-I...it's okay if you don't want to g-go. I understand..." He trailed off sadly. You shook your head.

"Of course I want to go! I-I...I'd love to." You told him shyly. He grinned and hugged you tightly.

"Thank you, N/N!" He practically fanboyed. You giggled.

"I'll pick you up on the day of the dance, k?" He asked eagerly. You smiled.

"Sure." You replied. Your ears perked up to the sound of your friends yelling your name. Before they could embarrass you further, you said a quick bye to C/N and caught up with them, instantly clamping your hands on their mouths.

As you walked off, you failed to notice C/N do a happy dance.

"Yes!" He thought happily to himself, not caring that many people were watching his stupid celebration....


I'm sorry and very ashamed for not updating so much! But I really have to go!

Or else mom will have my head and ass today for dinner!



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