When He Thinks Watching Lights Out Is A Good Idea

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This is actually supposed to be based off my life because I legit freak out at the thought of the movie Lights Outs and now I'm scared of my bed for a whole year -.-

Hiro: Why? It's not THAT scary.

Me: Hey, there is nothing good about someone's dead best friend hiding in the dark and murdering people just to get revenge on the main character O-O

Hiro: That sounds too cliche to be a horror movie -.-

Me: Obviously, you haven't seen the trailer. Or done anything dangerous in life.

Hiro: I'm a crime fighting here of fourteen.

Me: *mutter* Show off...

Hiro: *opens mouth* Why do I even bother? -.-


Your POV

"UGH, I'm so bored. Can you please take the initiative to at least type faster?" C/N whines, turning onto his back and laying his head in your lap. You reach down to peck his forehead before going back to typing your essay.

"Almost done. I swear." You assure, running your fingers through his C/H/C locks. He pouts up at you.

"I've been waiting for an hour, princess." He complains. You roll your eyes and smile.

"Then you can wait another just for the sake of your amazing girlfriend, bitch." You sass at him, focusing back on the History assessment. He sighs.

"We're not gonna get around to watching that movie, N/N." C/N says after a while. You scoff, typing faster.

"We will, babe. Just have patience." You say. He grunts and sits up.

"Patience is not my strong suit." He says.

"Yeah, but I bet you anything, annoyingness is." You state blankly, your eyes focusing on the words in front of you. That being said, he stays quiet, sighing again before going back to laying his head in your lap.

After half an hour, you finally finish the essay and hand it in, closing the computer and putting it on his bedside table. Looking down, you find his eyes gazing up at you.

"Yes?" You ask, running your fingers through his hair.

"Nothing. Just like staring at you." He shrugs. You stick your tongue out at him.

"Stalker." You say, causing him to laugh. He sits up and pulls you into his lap, both your legs flopping out on either side of him. You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck.

"I don't think you mind me being your stalker." He whispers, smirking at you. You glare playfully at him.

"What if I do?" You ask, playing on. His finger reaches up to trace your cheek, going down to your jawline.

"Then I'll just have to entrance you in." He says. You raise an eyebrow.

"Example?" You question, to which he responds by leaning in to kiss you, your head spinning from the intimacy and passion. When he pulls away, you give him a dazed look.

"Point proven." You simply say and he nods, smirking at the effect he has on you. You kiss his cheek and nuzzle your nose against his.

"Thought you wanted to watch a movie." You say, recalling all of the earlier moments. He smiles tenderly.

"Eh, I could just do with you in my arms right now." He says smoothly. You blush and tuck your head into the crock of his neck and smile, biting your lip as your hands curl at the nape of his neck.

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