He Says Something That Makes You Cry

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Okay, so when I was writing this, I realized I could either make it really sad or happy.

Then I wondered "what the fuck would he even say that made her cry out of sheer joy?"

Then I was like "OH YEAH A PROPOSAL"

Then it hit me...

"bitch they're fourteen"



Your POV

"And so I was like "An existential crisis is something everyone can probably relate to." And then he said-- Are you even listening to me?" Dylan questions, pausing in the middle of his very detailed date description.

"Mhm... Sure." You mumble, completely oblivious as to what he was saying. He raises an eyebrow at your distracted response.

"You act as if I'm dumber than a goat. Is my rambling putting off your focus in this conversation?" He asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest. You scoff.

"No, Dylan. I'm totally zoning out because I love hearing about your boyfriend and his massive interest of the philosophical study of ontology." You state sarcastically. He rolls his eyes.

"His perspective on the world makes him a very unique and much qualified for an acceptance letter to Harvard kind of guy, okay? And did I mention he's very attractive?" He smirks. You groan.

"Yes. Countless times." You huff, glaring before focusing your attention back onto what you were doing.

He notices the longing look in your eyes and looks over to what you're gazing at, a big smirk appearing on his face as he misreads the purpose of your behavior.

"Oh, I see. Listening to me is less important than admiring your boyfriend from afar. But to be fair, I would've done the same." He laughs. You blush.

"Those weren't my original intentions, trust me!" You protest. He shakes his head knowingly, chuckling to himself before turning back to lecture. You puff out your cheeks before going back to staring at C/N.

Why were you doing this?

Well, for one, he's very cute. He has one of those stareable (a word which most definitely coexists in the English language) faces that forces you against your own will to look at him. He also has these eyes--

(For better experience, do pretend there was an abrupt music pause after that before proceeding with the story-- Wow, that song ended real fast-- SORRY JUST UM TAKE MY ADVICE AND CONTINUE)


The real reason why you were staring at him is because C/N has been acting a little weird lately. And by weird, you mean shady. You're not entirely sure why but it's starting to freak you out a little bit because whatever happened has been affecting his normal mood and, by the looks of it, really taken a toll on the poor guy.

His everyday morning hugs and kisses have limited ever since last week despite the fact he's a huge PDA fan. He adores showing you off to everyone and you're getting confused as to why he isn't doing it anymore.

C/N also hasn't been laughing or goofing around like he does as much. Usually at lunch, or let's face it, anywhere, he loves to joke around and do something stupid that puts a smile on your face. However, none of that had been done for the past few days.

"Y/N, Jesus. Snap out of it. I'll admit your boyfriend is hot but that doesn't mean you have to eye him like he's some delicious looking piece of meat." Dylan whispers, raising your eyebrow. You snap out of your thoughts and glare.

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