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Lady Mary is sitting on the chair with Matthew next to her. After dancing when she wasn't suppose too, she got tired with being pregnant.

"This is what I was worried about" Matthew worries.

"I will go home tomorrow" Mary says trying to stop Matthew from worrying.

"Ok I am coming with you"

"No there is no need" Mary says.

"No I will I cant be away from you" Matthew pushes it.

"No Matthew if you go than Papa and Mother will feel they need to come and then the party has broken down" Mary replies.

"Fine but when you get back than phone to say you are sagely at home" Matthew smiles and stands up and walk s over to Lord Grantham. 

Mary sits watching the rest of the ball. Her tummy starts to hurt so says to her mother that she is going to bed and will be leaving tomorrow morning. Her mother agrees and Mary goes to bed.

The next morning Mary opens her eyes and a shooting pain goes though her. She sits up and holds her stomach.

"Mary what wants wrong" Matthew says worried when he wakes up.

"Just- nothing. I need to head for the train"  Mary leans over and kisses Matthew. "I really hope our baby is a boy."

"I hope so too" Matthew stands up and walks out the room after blowing a kiss to Mary. Mary gets out of bed and calls Anna.

When she is waiting for Anna she feels the same pain again. It is get more painful and suddenly she is lying on the ground. Everything goes blurry. She can see the door opening and Anna walking. When she sees lady Mary she rushes out.

Anna runs down the hall way and runs into the dining room where everyone is have breakfast. She runs is and worries everyone.

"It Mary" is all Anna says and Matthew is already running to Mary's room. He runs is and Mary is still on the ground. Her vision is still blurry.

"Mary please can you hear me" Matthew try's. Then Mary's eyes close.
The is silence then Robert and Cora  walk in.

"Mary?" Cora asks sitting beside Matthew on the floor in front of Mary.

Then Mary opens her eyes and gasps loudly . Matthew face lights up and kisses Mary of the forehead.

"Mary oh god you Alive" Robert sad relieved. "We are going home today"

"I agree" Cora and Robert stand watching as Matthew helps Mary back into bed.

"What happened" Matthew says whipping a few tears away." Are you ok? Do I need to get a doctor?"

"Matthew stop worrying. I only fainted" Mary says. " I need to get ready."

" No Anna has done that and I am going with you." Mary gets back out of bed and walks to the door. Robert huge her.

"Please try not and scare is like that again." He whispers.

"I will try Papa" everyone makes their way to the cars.

Roberts,Cora and Edith is one car. Matthew and Mary in another. With the Mrs Baxter, Mrs and Mrs bates on the carriage.

Mary sleeps the rest of the way to the train station. He head of Matthew shoulder.

"I love you and will never let anything harm you or the baby" Matthew says and strokes Mary's hand until the they reach the train station. When Mary needs to wake up.

Downtown abbey. Lady Mary's babyWhere stories live. Discover now