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After two days in hospital Mary is allowed to go back to downtown.

"Have you said any about the baby to Papa or Mama." Mary asks when they are in the car in the way back to downtown.

"No all they know is that the baby and you are healthy. They don't even know when you are coming home." Matthew kisses Mary.

The car stops and no one is outside. " well you right about not me knowing I am coming home." Mary gets out the car and Matthew passes George over and gets out the car too.

Mary opens the door and creeps downstairs to the servants. Anna is the first to see her.

"M'lady is there any thing I can do" Anna asks.

"No Anna I am here to see Mr Carson to say I am healthy and fine. I know he has been worrying." When Mary says that then Anna nods.

Mary walks towards Mr Carson's office. She goes in but he isn't there. "Anna do you know where he is"

"He would en with Lord Grantham M'lady." Anna says Mary nods and walk back up stairs. Matthew is waiting with George outside the door.

"Did you get him" Matthew says and Mary shakes her head.

"Well you get ready for tonight dinner is in an hour" Matthew smirks. They walk up the their room.

Anna comes up later to help get Mary ready. "Have you told anyone that I came down or I am here.

"No M'lady" Anna finishes Mary'd hair.

"Good I want be being here a surprise" Mary is ready to Go down for dinner and then Matthew come in the room.

"You really can be away from me
For long can you" Mary teases .

"Nope. The nanny is taking care of George"

"I think I will be nice to bring him down for dinner.Papa hasn't seen him or any one else." Mary says and Matthew agrees.

"Well let's go" they get George and walk down for dinner. Matthew walks in first.

"Well Matthew your- " Robert doesn't finish what he says because Mary walks in with George.

"Mary. Oh god Mary you are alright. Did you know she was here." Robert asks Mathew. All Matthew does is smirk sheepishly.

"Well what did you the young chap" Cora asks.

"George. George Robert Crawley" Mary says sitting down.

"well I say you have done well for a name." Robert smiles.

"Hope so. I thought you would like it but it was Matthew idea to call him Robert for a middle name" Mary smiles at Matthew.

The footmen walk in and as soon as Mr Carson sees Mary he lights up.

"Well one I am happy he's a boy and have any other air to downtown and Robert is in his name. I will be a happy man for a few days" Robert says.

"So you you never happy" Cora teases Robert. " Mary I could take George while you eat. You need food"

"Yes Mama that would be lovely" Mary passes George over to Cora. Cora is smiles at George.

When everyone have finished their dinner, the lady go to the drawing room and Tom, Robert and Matthew stay to talk.

"Well done Matthew but we have to face the fact that You wouldn't see much of George because the nanny does that" Robert says

"I know but when George is old enough to do things for himself than we would need a nanny" Robert agree with what Matthew said. They sit in silence for a while.

"Well let's go thought to the drawing and say a proper hello to George." Tom says they all stand up and walk to the drawing room

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