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Matthew runs with Mary in his arms. He reaches their bedroom and out Mary down in the bed.

"ROBERT" Matthew shouts. Soon Robert runs in the room.  He stops in his tracks when he see Mary with blood at her side and a bloody head.

He then truths to a tearful and sweaty Matthew. "What happens"

"I don't know. I went out to find her as I said and then I found her lying in the ground half unconscious like this" Matthew says.


Soon Cora and Edith come up to see when they had to phone the doctor.

"Oh My god. Mary what happened to her" Cora says and bursts into tears.

"We don't know" Robert signs while hugging Cora. Matthew is sitting in the air of the bed squeezing Mary's hand and trying his best not to cry even more as he is already doing.

The doctor arrives not long after and he don't ask what happens he just gets down to business.

"If any one wants to stay they can but if i were you I would want to go out" The doctor says. Everyone walks out except Matthew.

"I am staying he says" Matthew gets off the bed and sites on the chair in the corner.

"Very well" The doctor take a needle and other thighs out his bag that Matthew has no idea what a they are for.

In the other sit of the door Robert, Cora, Edith and Carson stand waiting for what he result with be.

"I can't think to wonder why Mary would be late for dinner, walk outside and then get stabbed." Edith says.

"I agree it doesn't make any sense" Cora says hugging Edith.

The doctor comes out with blood over his clothes and he is very Sweaty. "If she is still breathing and her heart is still work in the morning then she would have a better chance of living. I will be round tomorrow to see how she is doing." The doctor makes his way out.

Matthew comes out even more sweaty and tears running  down now eyes. "I know this look is not gentleman like but I don't care along as Mary lives." He says and walk to his room to get washed.

"I hope she lives to" Cora mutters.

"We all hope she lives" Robert says. "You go to bed I need to a little time alone with her". Cora nods at Robert and she and Edith walk down stairs.

Robert walks in Mary's room. There is blood all over the bed and Mary is still unconscious.

"Mary i now you aren't the most spirited of people in this house but you definitely are the most loyal and caring. I don't want any of your life taking away from you but you need to know that even if you don't make it. I need to say that all the family love you. Don't give up please Mary." Robert says and a tear falls down his cheeks then suddenly  he starts to cry full on. Tear after tear.

"You are an amazing father."  Voice behind Robert says. He turns around and see Cora stating at the door way.

"I try" Robert say and stands up whipping his tears. "Come on let's go to bed and see how she is in the morning.

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