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The next morning she opened her eyes with a smiles Matthew staring at her.

"How long have you been doing that" she smiles back.

"A few hours. I am so happy you are alive" he kisses Mary.

"We better get up. I think Papa would wan more about Carlyle." Mary says pulling away from the kiss and getting out of bed. She calls Anna as Matthew goes to get changed himself.

"Yes My lady" Anna says when she walks into the room.

"I would like something  comfortable to wear today" Mary says and sits at her desk and puts earrings in.

When Mary is changed she waits outside Matthews room. They go downstairs together. "Why don't you eat in your room like a wife should do" Matthew asks.

"Well I might want to spent time with father" Mary smiles.

The rest of the Morning Mary, Robert and an police officer speak about Carlyle and what happened.

"Thanks you sir and Mam" The police officer says as he walks out the grind door.

"We will get in to court. don't worry" Roberts says to his daughter.

"I won't" Mary replies. She works on we new song in her room with Anna helping her.

"So Anna I would like to let you know that today will be your last day of work before you are well enough for work after the baby." Mary says.

"Thanks you Mam" Anna smiles.

"You will be paid you wages when you are off as if you were working" Mary says.

"You really don't have to do that" Anna replies.

"Well I am. Now you can go get al rest"

"Thank you" Anna walks out the door.

Mary goes and sees George. He is in his cot fast asleep. Mary picks him up and sits down in the chair in the corner trying not to wake George. She sits there all afternoon until dinner.

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