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"So what do we have to talk about" Mary says while they walk.

"Nothing I wanted to get you alone" Matthew says. He stops. "I love you so much"

"I know and I love you more than you can imagine" Mary smilesZ before Matthew could say any thigh else, Mary puts her lips to his. They stand there. Matthew pulls Mary closer. Mary wishes that time can stop and freeze in this moment. But of course it doesn't.

Matthew pulls away. He smiles. "Would you ever want another child"

"Yes of course but not with any one hair with you" She says. Matthew smirks and kiss her again.

"Well we better get back and then see the servants. I need to speak to Carson" Matthew walks back with Mary holding his hand.

Robert and Cora are in the library.

" I hope Mary with like the parade" Cora says.

"Yes and if we have a parade for her birthday then Matthew will ask to join in" Robert jokes.

"I agree but I  worried for her. She has been sleeping for 12 hours every day while we were away" Cora says standing up.

"Well dear she has had a baby" Robert sympathises.

"I didn't sleep all day when I had either  of the children" Cora argues.

"I agree. Everyone is different. Now what shall we do. Take the whole family out for a picnic in an hour." Robert suggests.

"Yes and  invite Violet over for dinner next Friday. I haven't seen her in days" Cora adds.

"Very well" Robert says and walks out the room to the phone. While Cora goes to tell Mrs Patmore to prepare some picnic food.

She is just about to open the door to downstairs when Mary and Matthew come out.

"Oh hello Mama" Mary says.

"Hello dears. We are going on a picnic later so if you don't want to get that dress or shy dirty than I would  change" . Mary nods at her mother.

"Well we coming on a picnic and I think you might want to get changed. That is my favourite suit you have and I don't want it getting dirty."Mary says while they are walking up stairs.

"Ok I will because it is also my favour suit. See you in a few minutes dear." Matthew says and open his door to his room.

Mary went to her room. Anna was tidying things. "Anna you back."

"Yes M'lady" Anna replies.

"I said call me Mary. Any way. How was London" Mary asks.

"Very well Mary. I went because Mrs Grantham want my advice on something but I can't say what". She hesitated on the word Mary.

"Oh. I am going on a picnic in an hour so would you get me out clothes for tonight for dinner". Mary asks.

"Yes" Anna goes though Mary's draws.

"Anna have you told Mr Bates"

"No" She finds a dress and it is approved by Mary. " is that all" Mary nods happily  and Anna walks out.

Downtown abbey. Lady Mary's babyWhere stories live. Discover now