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The next morning Robert was in the library when Violet came in.

"Robert I need to speak to you" Violet said.

"Yes Mama what is it" He puts down his newspaper and listens to his mother.

"Lady Shackleton is coming over to mine is a months time. I was wondering if she could come for dinner one night while she is at mine" Violet says. Robert nods and reads the rest of his paper.

"Well that's sorted, what time will dinner be this Friday" Violet try's to keep the conversation going.

"Um about 5.30pm. We will have dinner at six" Robert say not looking up from his paper.

"Ok very well" Violet knows that there is nothing else to be said. She walks out.

When Violet gets to the front down she stops and walk up the stairs instead of out the front door. She walks along the corridor and stops outside Mary and Matthew's bedroom. She opens the door quietly and see Mary and Matthew still sleeping. It is 7 in the morning and they are still sleeping.

Usually this annoyed Violet because everyone should get up early and get things done. But instead of waking them up she creeps though the bedroom and into the nursery where George is sleeping in his crate.

When Viola closes the door George wakes up and is about to cry but Violet picked up and he stops. Violet hasn't held George yet because the night Mary came back there was no time.

"Hey baby boy" Violet whispers. She sits in the seat beside the crate and rocks George. The Violet decides to ask Mary if she is allow to take George for a little play in the garden. Watching Robert as a little boy playing in the garden was very enjoying for Violet.

"He like you granny Violet" A voice says from behind her. Mary is standing at the down.

"Oh morning Mary. Where is in the nanny" Violet asks.

"She should be making George's breakfast at this time in the day. Any way how are you. It has been a while since I have talk to you" Mary says while closing the door and sitting on the seat in the corner.

"I am fine but any way is has been a week and a bit that's all but it show you miss your granny" Violet says still rocking George very happily.

"Yes I do miss you" Mary smiles.

"I better be heading back. Say hello to your Mama and also Your father is in a bad mood." Violet smirks and puts George back in the crate.

"I will see you out then" Mary stands up and walk behind Violet out the room.

"No need you still pyjamas." They stand at the door and Violet looks at Matthew who is still sleeping. "Well he sleeps like a log." they laughs and Violet leaves the room with Mary still staring at Matthew. She just hope back into bed.

"I heard that from granny Violet" Matthew whispers and Mary put her head back on Matthews's shoulder. Mary just smiles and kisses Matthew. They fall back asleep.

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