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Everyone is at the farthest part of the ground. Matthew is holing George while Mary is eating a tuna sandwich.

"Granny Violet in coming over for dinner next Friday but I might ask Isabelle too" Cora says before taking a bite from her tuna sandwich.

"That will very nice" Matthew says.

"Yes I agree. I haven't seen Granny Violet or Isabelle for a long time and it would be nice to see them." Mary agrees.

George snatched Matthew's sandwich and throw it on the grass. Everyone bursts out laughing. George did as well.

"Well for about a week old baby he has some character." Robert says though the laughs.

"Yes he really does" Cora says though her laughs.

"It will get dark soon we better get back"Mary says taking George from Matthew so Matthew can stand up.

They pack the things away and walk toward the house.

Later that night before dinner Mary remembers that she left George blanket that he need for bed outside where the picnic was.

"Matthew I need to get George's blanket or he will cry all night" Mary says before leaving the room.

"No I will do it" Matthew protests.

"Matthew I can do it" Mary says and quickly goes before Matthew protests against

Mary reaching the the spot where the picnic was and easily find the blanket. She is about to walk back to the house when a hand grabs her arm and pulls her towards a tree. It is dark so she doesn't see who it is.

A voice then speaks. "Meet here next Thursday at 6pm  or that little boy George will make you regret it". The hand let's go over her arm and the figure is seen running away. Mary recognises the voice but can't remember who it is.

She walk slowly towards the house thinking who it might be. When she gets back she gives the blanket the George and walks down for dinner.

"Ah there she is" Robert says as Mary walks in. Mary just smiles.

The rest of the night Mary did not say a word. She eat in silence and sat in the drawing room in silence while everyone else was talking. A few time Matthew or Cora wanted to talk to her but she just sat there. Thinking. Think about who that person was and why he want Mary to meet them on Thursday. If she doesn't than want will they do to George if she doesn't go. It frightened her.

Downtown abbey. Lady Mary's babyWhere stories live. Discover now