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The train journey was trying for Matthew. While Mary still slept, Matthew was worrying
About her. 5 minutes  until the train stops for them to get off.

The 5 minute went quick.  The train stopped and Mary woke up.

"Mary are you ok" Matthew says.

"Yes I am fine dear." She the feels uneasy. "I will go to the hospital. Can you stay with Papa and Mama to stop them worrying."

"No Mary I am not leaving you" Matthew says. Robert walks up behind them.

"Not leaving Mary for what" Robert seem worried.

"I am going to the hospital and said Matthew to stay with you and keep you from worrying". Mary says but Roberts seems more worried.

"No Matthew is right he will not leave you." Robert says and walks a way.

Matthew smirks." Come on let get you to the hospital" Mary smiles at what Matthew what's said so she agrees.

They take Matthew's car to the hospital. When they get there Matthew worries even more.

"Matthew I will fine" Mary says and kisses him on the cheek.  They sit waiting for a room.

"Lady Mary. You room this way" Mr Clarkson says.

Matthew stands up but Mary pushes him back down.

"Matthew I will be fine" Mary follows Mr  Clarkson into a pink small room with a bed and other things from the hospital.

"Is this room fine or would you like another one" Mr Clarkson asks.

"No this is fine thank you" Mary says but then pain goes though her again.

"I think it is time" Mr Clarkson says. He walks out. Mr Clarkson walls up to Matthew. "Would you like to come in when it is happening or stay out."

"No I will stay out she needs space it think" Mathew says.

"Well it is time. I need to get the nurse" Mr Clarkson goes  off to find a nurse.

Matthew waits for a minute or two when he see a nurse walk into the room that Mary is in. In the room there is silence but then a scream come from it. Matthew know straight away it is Mary.
More screams come and Matthew starts getting.  even more nerves. After about half and hour of screaming it is replaced with crying.

The door opens the nurse come out. "Congratulations" is all she says and walks away. Matthew stands up and slowly walks into the room.

Mary sits there in the bed with a little figure as a baby. She looks up a small smiles.

"Here is your son" Mary says and then Matthew lights up. He has a son and he will be the next air to downtown. Mary passes the baby to Matthew.

"What shall we call him" Mary says

"Matthew Crawley" He smirks

"No" Mary smirks back. "What about George. George Crawley."

"No George Robert Crawley" Matthew says.

"Perfect. I think Papa will be even more pleased." Mary smirks. Matthew leans in and they kiss.

"My family" Matthew gives back George and he sits on the bed beside Mary. 

Downtown abbey. Lady Mary's babyWhere stories live. Discover now