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After half and hour of everyone saying congratulations and holding George is was time do go to bed.

"Night everyone"Mary and Matthew said as they went up to bed. They gave George to the nanny.

Matthew and Mary hop into bed. Mary pits her head on Matthew chest and they fall asleep.

The next more is boring for Mary. She can't take care of George because the nanny does that and Matthew is down in London for a meeting on downtown.
Robert and Tom are with him.

"Morning You lady ship" Anna walks in.

"Anna I said call me Mary. Any way I call you Anna" Mary sad getting out of bed.

"Ok Mary" Anna smiles. "Um I... I would like to tell you somethings only if you don't tell Mr Bates."

"Of course. What is it you would li to say" Mary hold Anna's hands as Anna says what she needs to say.

" ok I am going to have a baby and the father is Mr Bate" Anna half smiles but half looks sad.

"Well I hope the father is Mr Bates." Mary jokes. Anna smiles too. "Well this might be to personal but how far are you into it."

"3 months"

"Well have you told Mr Bated" Mary asks


"So he hasn't notices ether" Anna shakes her head.

"Well when it comes to 6 or 7 month you can have time off for a year but we will pay you what you would of got or increase Mr Bates's wages" Mary says. Anna Nods and walks out. "Oh Anna"

"Yes M'lady"

"You need to tell him and call me Mary" Anna nods again and walks out shitting the door behind her.

Mary is left alone. She isn't dressed yet so just gets back into bed and falls back to sleep.

When Mary wakes up it is 5.30pm . She slept for 8 and a half hours since she talks to Anna.

Mary finally gets out of bed and changes. She then walks down stairs. No one is to be seen so she looks for at least someone.

"Mama, Edith" Mary shout. No one answers.

So Mary takes a walk in the garden. She walks to the village. There was the same amount of people doing their jobs.

After 15 minutes of walks around the village trying to find Cora or Edith, she has no lucky.

It is getting dark so Mary walks back home. She reaches the house and the house looks it is abandoned. The is no lights.

And hour of sitting waiting for anyone to come she sees no one.

"I could check the servants" Mary says to herself. She does what she says and find that everyone who is suppose to be there is. Well not every one. Mr Baxter isn't there and she would go any where without Cora.

Mary walks up stair her Papa and Mama's rooms no one. There is a letter on the bed.

She opens it and reads that Cora and Edith have gone to London too. They will en back the same time as Robert and Matthew. Alone for a full week.

Downtown abbey. Lady Mary's babyWhere stories live. Discover now