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Matthew opens his eyes and finds himself in the guest bedroom. Suddenly he remembers why.

"Mary" Matthew says. He jumps it of bed mad runs to the room where
Mary is in.

She is lying the like she was the night before. Matthew looks outside and the sun is just coming up. Matthew sits down on the edge of the bed. Hope that her hand is still warms it is.

He puts his head to her chest and hears a few beats. Her heart is still going. He then hovers his hand over her face and feels air pushing out of her nose. She is still alive. Matthew sighs in relief.

Robert then walks in. "Is she still alive"

Matthew puts on a serious face trying not to showing his joys "try for your self." Robert nods and does exactly what Matthew did. When he is finished, his face lights up.

"I could be happier at this moment" Robert says. "But remember is might not mean she lives, just a higher chance of living" Robert stands up.

"Let's leave her until the doctor gets here" Matthew says and follows Robert out the door.

"She loves you so much and I know you love her even more but please don't make this things as if she is the only person in the world left" Robert says.

"But she is" Matthew try's to argue.

"You so have us and your mother" Robert reminds him.

"I know but I mean she is the only one in my whole life that I want to keep safe. Don't get me wrong I want you safe to but I am sure you understand what I mean" Matthews says.

"I understand" Roberts puts a hand on Matthew shoulder for a minute and then walks away.

Matthew is left there swimming in his own thoughts about Mary and what it would be lying without her. He thinks of a dark lonely place. Mary is everything to Matthew. A lot more the Lavinia was to Matthew.

The rest of the day was Matthew sitting  on the side of the bed holding Mary's hand and wishing she would open her eyes any minute.

"Come on Mary please don't stay like this forever" Matthew keeps saying to her over and over again every few minutes.

He checks his watching. Violet should be at the house in 15 minutes so he forces himself to get up and walk to the door. Before closing  the door he hears a moan from the room. His face lights up hoping it is fanning Mary. Nothing. Mary is lying there still with no covers on and blood and the side of her. The bed has been changed because they don't want to move Mary so the sheet are covered in red stains from Mary.

Matthew walks towards his room and calls the bell to get changed. Anna walks in Mary's room and doesn't even look at Mary. She goes to Mary's cupboard and takes out Mary's favourite dress. Anna places it on the chair in the corner.

She then takes the shoes to match the dress. Then all of a suddenly, moaning comes from the bed. It noise keep going until Anna realises it so Mary .

"Mary" Anna cries happily. Mary speaks a lot clearer.

"Anna Can you help me out of bed." Mary says.

"I am not sure you should do that"

"Please I need to see if I can walk" Mary says. Anna does what she is told. She take Mary's arms and helps her out of bed.

Mary stand with no help for a few minutes then try's to take one step forward. It is success full so Marty takes another step. She does his but on the 11th step Mary falls.

"I will need a bit of practice but what time is it" Mary asks getting back up.

"5.20 pm" Anna says.

"Can you get me ready for dinner and the I can practise walking" Mary says.

"Definitely" Anna says and She helps Mary get changed. When Maey is changed and her hair don't, she walks from one end of the room to the other. A few minutes later she seemed to have got her strength back.

"I feel so fresh. After have the bath then getting my strength back" Mary says and look at the clock.  6.00pm. "Dinner will be starting. Can you help me down the stairs but first make sure everyone is in the dining  room." Mary asks. Anna nods.

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