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It is is 5 days since Mary got Matthew huffy but she repaired him with a kiss. It changed his mood quickly.

The time is 5.30 in the evening. Mary is about the get changed for dinner until she stops in her track. In half an hour she is suppose to meet someone in the garden or George will get hurt.

Mr Carson walks past "ahh Mr Carson can you tell Anna that I will be a little late for dinner and won't need to changed thanks" Mary says and Mr Carson nods.

Mart grabs her scarf and walks out side. Matthew and everyone else is in the dining room waiting for Mary.

"Where is she" Cora says.

"I will go and look Matthew stands up and walk out the room. She shouts Mary's name until Thomas comes up behind him and said that she went out side. So Matthew goes out. side to see why Mary would want an evening walk in the dark.

Mary is at the spot where the mystery person said to meet.

"Your early" a voice says.

"Yes" Mary says.  A figure comes from the shadow and Mary nearly faints to the fact that it is Carlyle.

"Glad to see me" Carlyle says with a smirk.

"No but I have one thing to ask you.
Why have you not put the Truth of the Turkish man's death"Mary says folding her arm.

"I want you back. I won't publish the truth on it if you leave Matthew and Marry me instead" Carlyle steps forwards forces my Mary to walk back until her back in against a tree.

"No. I love Matthew and will never leave him" when Mary says that Carlyle take a knife from his pocket.

"Marry me or I will put this knife though you". Carlyle puts the knife gently on Mary's side. She really ants o say yes but would never leave Matthew for a man who threatens her.

"Never" Mary spits at him and then there is a sharp pain in the side. Carlyle has stabbed her with the knife. Then a voice came from the distance. It was Matthew voice.

"I will be back for him." Carlyle them runs off into the night. Mary falls and try's to shout Matthew. Is was more like a scream.

"MARY" Matthew shouts even worried. Then she seems his figure. Her vision is getting blur. Arms pick her up and she just seems that she is going into the house.

Downtown abbey. Lady Mary's babyWhere stories live. Discover now