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It is 8. In the morning now and Matthew is a wake but he is still in bed waiting for Mary to wake up.

At that point Matthew realise he loves Mary way more than he could of ever loved any one else he could of married. For a few minutes Matthew stars at Mary but then he wake up from his day dreaming and try's to wake Mary up.

"MARY THE BABY IS GONE" Matthew shouts is her ears. Mary suddenly wakes up and jumps out of bed and runs to the nursery. She soon comes back in the room with a annoyed face. Matthew lies on the bed laugh his head off.

"Haha Matthew very funny" Mary said sarcastically. "But don't do it again."  She suddenly went serious. Matthew is still grinning when he gets out of bed and out the door to his room to get changed.

"MATTHEW"! Mary shouts from her room while Matthew is getting changed. Matthew coming running into the room with a worried face in in his underwear.

"What"! Matthew says worried. Mary then burst out laugh. When Matthew realises why happened he just went into a huff. "Not funny Mary" He says when walks into his room. Soon after Mary gets her self together from the laugh, she calls Anna.

A minute later Anna is in the room. "can I help you Mary"

"Yes can you pick out a outfit for me. Thanks a lot Anna" Mary says while makes the bed.

"Mary you doing a lot more things that I am supposed to be doing". Anna complains.

"I don think want you working hard with mr Bate's baby inside you". Mary smiles and Anna smiles back.

Soon Matthew coming in the room while Mary is just putting her shoes on. He still has a annoyed face on. Mary only smirks at him when they go down for breakfast.

"Good morning Papa" Mary says when she sits down at the table.

"Good morning to you too Mary" Robert says "Matthew what wrong as you annoyed at something" Robert turns to Matthew. Who is picking at some bacon. Mary giggles.

"Nothing Robert just had a bit of a worry from Mary" Matthew says liking up from his plate.

"Oh well Mary what did you do" Edith joins in the conversation.

"Well I was asleep and Matthew shouted the baby was gone." at that point Matthew smirks. "I ran into the nursery to find George still in is crate. Then when I got back in Matthew was laughs so hard of the bed. So when Matthew was in his room get changed I shouts his name and he ran in worried" Mary says though giggles. Robert and Edith laugh too but Matthew still sit
Over his food in a even more of a huff.

"Poor Matthew but he did deserve it" Edith says. Breakfast was soon over and everyone went off to what they had to do. Mary went to start to make a song for the annual concert in the village. It can have any talent and anyone who wants to preform can do so. Mary has always had done it since the age of ten. She sings a famous song but this year she is making one up.

Matthew goes shooting with Robert and Edith goes to see Violet. Cora goes with Edith.

Isabelle comes to the house but find no one there because everyone  is out except Mary who is her room and is in a zone with the song.

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