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"Come on Skylar! I don't want to be late for the plane!" Bam yells, putting his bag in the car. I sigh, shaking my head. Bam has some skate contest to go to in Helsinki, Finland. And he has to drag me along.

"I'm coming!" I yell back. I grab my bags and walk down to the car. I gently put my bags in and shut the trunk. I get in the back seat with Ryan, Bam's friend. April (Bam's mom) drives us to the airport. We get there and wait for our plane. We head to Helsinki a little later.

"We will be landing in Helsinki, Finland in one hour," the captain says.

"Finally!" I say, throwing my hands up in the air. "What? Don't like our company?" Bam asks, slamming his down on his lap. "No. You're getting on my nerves," I say. That hurts deep, you know," Bam says, petting his chest where his heart is. "The truth hurts." I look out the window. Bam huffs and goes back to reading his magazine.

A hour later, the plane lands. Bam is excited and demands we go to the music store ASAP. He read some one page article about a Finnish band called HIM and was so impressed he wants to get their album.

We get our bags, get in the cab, and head to the hotel. We go to our room. I have to share one with them. Bam throws his bag on a bed, grabs money then leaves. I'm guessing he's going  to get that album. I grab my money and leave the hotel. I saw a coffee shop down the street form the hotel.

I walk through the coffee shop door and soft conversations greet me. I stand in line. When it's my turn, I order a Caramel Macchiato flavored coffee. I pay then go sit at a table in the corner. "I haven't seen you here before. Are you new in town?" a guy asks. He's an older looking guy in a wheel chair. "Yes, but I'm not staying long. A friend of mine has a skate contest here. After that, we are heading back to the U.S." "The United States. Beautiful place." I smile. "Not as beautiful as Helsinki." He laughs. "I guess its all about perspective." "You really shouldn't flirt with every girl that walks in, no matter how beautiful they are," a guy says, winking at me. "Oh, I'm the one flirting?" The older guy raises his eyebrow. He looks at me and says, "You have a nice day." "You too," I reply, smiling. He pats my shoulder and heads behind the counter.

"He really does need to stop flirting," the other guy says. "He wasn't flirting," I say in his defence. "You obviously never been flirted with before." I raise my eyebrow. "I live with six guys who constantly flirt with me. That was not flirting." "Touche," he says. "Do you want to sit down?" I ask, blushing. "Your six guys wont get mad?" he asks, sitting. "One will but I could care less what he thinks." I'm Ville," he says. "Skylar." I take a drink of my coffee and study the guy.

He has black, shoulder length hair and the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. "He looks familiar," I think to myself. "What? Do I have something on my face?" he asks. "No, its just, I've seen you before but I don't know from where." I scratch my chin. "Ville? As in Ville Valo?" I ask. "That would be me. Why?" "That's where I know you from! My friend read a one page article about your band on the plane. He kept telling me things about it." I smile and say, "Your the first famous person I've met." "I've always liked being someone's first," he says, grinning. I laugh. My phone rings. I answer it. "What do you want, Bam?" I ask.

"Where the hell are you? You disappeared! Did someone kidnap you?" "Yes, in fact something did." "WHAT!? I'll kill them, just tell me who." I roll my eyes. "OK well, it's a cream colored, tastes like Caramel Macchiato, and is something I can't live without." "You're at a coffee shop!? God I take you halfway around the world and you go to a coffee shop!? Which one? I'm not letting walk back without me." "Bam, for the last time, I'm not a child. I can walk back to the hotel by myself. I don't need an escort." But-" "No. It's not that far. I'll be fine." "Fine," Bam mumbles, defeated. "Thank you for caring. I'll be back in like ten minuets." "Okay. Just be careful. Bye." He hangs up. I close my phone and put it in my pocket. "I'll be happy to escort you, if it's that big of a deal," Ville offers. I smile at him. "Thanks, but Bam would freak out even more." "Understandable." He smiles at me.

We talk for a little bit then it's time for me to leave. He walks me to the door and holds it open. "Thank you," I say. I'm not use to chivalry. Ville walks out and says, "I would really like to see you again." I run my hand through my hair and say, "I would like to see you too, but I don't think it will happen. I'm leaving in a few days to go back to the U.S." "Just my luck." He takes my hand and kisses it. "Nakemiin, kaunis. Voi tapaamme jallen." "What does that mean?" He smiles and says, "Goodbye, beautiful. May we meet again." I look at him. "I'm not beautiful, but thanks anyways. And I hope we meet again too." "Safe travels." He lets go of my hand and walks in the opposite direction of me. I turn around and walk towards the hotel. I look over my shoulder. Ville is staring at me. I give a sad smile and turn away.

A few days later, we are back in the U.S. Bam liked HIM so much, he used their songs in his CKY videos. Every time I go to sleep, I see Ville's eyes, hear his voice. It can't be love, can it? I mean we only know each other for a few minuets. I don't know. Hopefully this feeling will go away.


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