Chapter Sixteen

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I collapse. Ville catches me and walks over to the couch. He sits down and holds me. I just keep shaking my head and mumble no over and over. Someone turns on the news and there it is in big bold letters.

“Manny Carson, a 83 year old war veteran, was shot earlier tonight outside his home here in downtown Helsinki. The shooter, 23 year old American tourist Jonathon Rucker, has been arrested for manslaughter. The reason for the shooting is unclear. Manny will be miss by many. May he rest in peace.” The news lady moves and stands next to Estelle, Manny’s wife. The news lady starts asking her questions. Estelle is bawling hysterically and cant answer anything. Her daughter, Alyssa, takes her away.

Gut wrenching sobs tear from my throat. I didn’t want to believe it. That sweet old man, one who sacrificed so much, just gone, for no reason. Ville holds me tight. Something makes me think of Lafayette and I hold out a hand to him. He slides over and the three of us hold each other and cry our hearts out.

Hours later Lafayette’s soft snoring is the only sound that can be heard. Ville puts his arms under me then stands up. He walks back to his room and sets me on the bed. He leaves. I lie there numbly, staring at nothing. I saw the proof on the TV but I still refuse to believe that Manny is dead. Ville walks back in and lies down next to me. I roll over and lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and just holds me.

“Why him?” I croak out. “I don’t know, love,” Ville replies softly. “He was such a sweet old man. He was always kind to everyone, even strangers. He shouldn’t have gone like that. He should have lived for a lot longer then when it was finally time, he should have gone in his sleep, no pain, no suffering. He should have-” I start crying again. Ville rubs my back. I calm down after a few minutes. I smile through the tears at a memory.

“The first time I met him was the first time I met you. You accused him of flirting with me. Then I go and work for him. You should have seen his face when I walked through that door. I don’t know how, but he remembered me. I told him I was looking for a job and he said “You’re hired”. He was funny, kind, and so many other things. He shouldn’t be dead.” I shake my head.

“Listen to myself. I’ve only known him about a month and I’m talking like I’ve known him a lifetime. There are people out there who deserve to morn more than I do,” I whisper. Ville brushes the hair off my face and wipes my tears away.

“It only takes a moment to change someone’s life. Manny touched the lives of everyone he met. You have every right to morn, love. Try to get some sleep. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” I snuggle closer to Ville and close my eyes, but I don’t sleep. All I can think about is Manny and his kind eyes and his big heart.

I watch as the sun slowly rises. I get up and quietly walk to my room. I slip on sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I walk into the kitchen and leave the boys a note. Then I silently slip out the door and into a silent, rainy morning.

Hope you guys like this! I had a hard time writing it. Please comment and vote!

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