Chapter Three

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"Skylar, wake up. Our ride his here." I open my eyes and blink a few times. I stretch and roll over. Bam is sitting on the other bed. "Did I fall asleep?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. I know I feel asleep, but I don't want Bam to know I had another dream. "Yes." I shake my head and head to the bathroom. I walk out a few minuets later. Bam opens the door and I walk out into the hallway. Bam follows. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the elevator. There is a dad and his little girl in there. I lean on Bam's shoulder and close my eyes.

"You're not going back to sleep," he whispers. "I'm tire though," I whine.. "Too bad. I want you to meet Ville. I think you will like him. I huff and cross my arms. His name cuts through me every time. The elevator stops on the ground floor. We walk out to the lobby. "Bam!" A guy walks over to us and hugs Bam. He lets go of Bam and walks over to me.

"Joten tapaamme jalleen minun kaunis," Ville says, taking my hand and kissing it. I know it translates to something like "We meet again, beautiful." I smile and say, I'm Skylar." "I'm Ville." He lets go of my hand and says, "This is my manager, Seppo."

We walk out to the Volvo Convertible. Bam claims shotgun. I get in the back with Ville. Bam starts singing Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. Ville starts singing Like a Virgin by Madonna. I roll my eyes and ignore them. Those feelings for him never went away. It's confusing.

"Come on, Sky, Don't be a party pooper," Bam says, turning around in his seat to look at me. I look at the buildings passing by. "Don't worry about her. A cup of coffee and she'll be bouncing off the walls," Bam tells Ville. I roll my eyes.

Seppo stops so Bam can get coffee for me. I didn't ask for it but I'm grateful. It will calm my nerves. "Were here," Seppo announces. I get out and look around. "It's the LA Theatre," Ville says from behind me. I nod my head. We walk to the entrance. Bam holds me back. Ville gives us a questioning look but Bam waves him on.

"Are you okay?" Bam asks after the door closes. "Yeah, I just don't like being around people I don't know." That's the half truth. Being around Ville shakes me up more then the other people. Bam pulls me into a hug. I hold my arm out so I don't spill my coffee. "I know but I thought you would like it here." I kiss his cheek then step out of his embrace. "Thank you," I smile. Bam walks over to the door and holds it open for me. I walk in with Bam following close behind.

"What song should we do?" Ville asks. I shrug. "This way people," Seppo says. We follow him to a room with a bunch of music stuff in it. I claim the seat in the corner. Bam and Ville settle in then start listening to the songs. After a while, Ville turns them off. "Well?" He asks. "I like them all," Bam says. "Skylar?" Ville turns and looks at me. "I like them all," I say as I get up and throw my cup away. "You're no help," Bam complains. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm going to go look around." I walk out the door.

I walk around the theatre, admiring its beauty. I stumble into the auditorium. Balconies surround me with their elegant carvings. Rows upon rows of red seats sit facing the stage, waiting for the next show. I follow the steps sown to the stage. It's a lot bigger up close and a little intimidating. I climb up and stand in the center. I don't like dancing, but being on that stage, I want to.

So, I close my eyes, take a breath, and dance. I spin, jump and tumble. I imagine thousands coming out to see me, all of them clapping. They throw roses at my feet. Just as I'm about to finish, I hear clapping. Actual clapping, not made up in my head. Startled, I fall on my butt. I open my eyes to see Ville walking towards me. he offers his hand out. I cross my arms and stay put. He shrugs and sits down next to me.

"You're really good. Are you dancing professionally?" Ville asks. "No. I don't like dancing." He cocks his head. "Then why were you?" "I don't know," I mumble.  "What do you like to do?" I look at him. "Why do you want to know?" "I want us to be friends. Besides, I never got the chance to get to know you a whole lot." I smile and say, "I love to draw, write poetry and stories. I love learning about animals and their habitats. I also like singing."

"You're a really good dancer, too," Ville says. "All you need is a partner." He stands up and holds his hand out, asking, "May I have this dance?" I smile and take his hand. He pulls me up and spins me around. We dance around the stage, laughing the whole time. We trip on something and fall. I land on top of him. "Pardon my two left feet. I'm not as good as a dancer I though I was," Ville says, blushing. Smiling, I look down at him. "It's okay. Your better than Bam." He smiles and places a had on my cheek. "I would really like to kiss you. It's all I've dreamed about since we met." My smile fades as I say, "I don't think that's a good idea." I roll off of him and stand up. I walk to the edge of the stage and jump off.

"Why?' Ville asks. I turn around. He's standing at the edge. I shake my head and start walking up the stairs. I walk out the door and run into Bam. "There you are! I thought you got lost or stolen," he says, wrapping me up in a bear hug. "How long is it going to take for this video?" I ask, pushing on his chest. He lets me go and says, "I don't know. Ask Ville." I nod then head for the lobby.

A few hours later, everyone is busy. I walk outside to avoid Ville. My phone rings. "Hey, Raab." I say. "What's wrong?" He has this really annoying way of knowing when something is. "I had another dream," I reply. I don't want to mention Bam or Ville problems. "How bad?" He sounds worried. "It wasn't bad. Tony was pleading with me to take him back and I think I did." "Does Bam know?" "No. I want to keep it that way. Bam worries way too much." Raab's quite for a while. "Raab?" "Tell Bam. The next one might be worse then the normal ones." I sigh, defeated. "Fine. I will." "Good girl. I love you." "I know. Bye." "Bye." He hangs up.

I put my head in my hands and breathe. I don't know how long I stay out there. A hand on my shoulder startles me. "Sorry, darling," Ville says. Great, just what I need. He sits down next to me. "I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have asked." It's okay. It's just my past..." I trail off. "You don't have to explain. Something happened in you past and you not ready for a relationship. I understand." I give him a small smile. "Come one, lets go inside." "I'll stay out here." "Okay but take this. You'll catch a cold." He drapes his coat around my shoulders. "Thank you." He smiles and heads back inside.

Sometime later, Bam announces that we are leaving. We go back to the hotel. I head to our room. A few hours later, Bam and Ville stumble through the door. the fall onto my bed and get situated. They start talking nonsense. I ignore them and try to sleep.

My eyes open to pitch black. Bam and Ville's snoring reach my ears. My bladder screams at me. I get up and head to the bathroom. I walk out and hear, "Sky?" I climb on the bed and whisper "Yes, Ville?" "Where were you?" I lay my head on his chest. "I went to the bathroom." "Okay." He wraps his arms around me. I close my eyes and sleep.

"You went back to Bam," Tony says as he paces. He has a knife in his hand. "I live with him." I struggle against my chains. They rattle but won't break. "NO! you live with ME!" He slashes my stomach. I cry out in pain. "Why do you make me do this to you?" "I'm sor-" "Don't lie to me!" He cuts my face. I cry out again. tears cascade down my face. "Just tell me what you want me to do." I plead. He stands in front of me. "I want you to love me." Tears fill his eyes. he walks around to me back. "Unchain me and I will." "No, you'll run away again." "I promise I-"  "STOP LYING TO ME!" Tony's knife cuts into me repeatedly. I scream.


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