Chapter Fifteen

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Work goes by slowly. It's been two hours and only ten people have came in. I sit in a corner and play Pokemon Gold on my Game Boy.

"Your boyfriend is here," Lafayette says. I raise my hand and wave, too busy fighting the Elite Four to look up.

"Large coffee, cream, no sugar, and a Caramel Macchiato for Skylar," Ville says. Lafayette takes his money, gives back change and goes to make the coffee.

"Is this what you've been doing all day?" Ville asks. "Son of a bitch! Stop using fucking full restores!"

"That's all she's been doing, boyfriend. I have never seen anyone be that violent over a freaking Pokemon game. You have a handful with her."

My level 50 Ho-oh defeats my opponent's level 49 Dragonite. I jump up and do a happy dance. "What now, bitch!?" I yell at my game.

"Shut up, take your coffee and go home. I got this." Lafayette says, handing me my purse. I put it on my arm, hand my coffee to Ville and head towards the door, my eyes focused on my game. I have to defeat Lance's level 50 Dragonite with my Ho-ho, who's in the red, and a level 34 Furret. I switch pokemon and sacrifice my Furret to heal my Ho-oh.

"Will you pay attention to where you are going, please?" I glance up at Ville. He's standing at the door. I'm standing in the middle of the Shop. I grin and walk out of the shop as Ville holds the door open for me.

"I don't see how that game is so fun. It's just a bunch of people going around catching and killing poor, defenseless animals. There's no storyline to it," Ville comments. I stop walking and stare at Ville with my mouth hanging open. "What?" I snort. "I'm not talking to you. That hurt my feelings," I say. Ville rolls his eyes and continues walking.

We get home and Ville starts making breakfast food for dinner. I was defeated by Lance, so I saved the game and shut it off. I sit at the kitchen table and try to explain the world of Pokemon to Ville. He just doesn't understand my obsession with it.

"Ok, how about this, you finish dinner then afterwards, we'll sit down and you can teach me to play pokemon. Ok?" I smile, get up, kiss Ville's cheek and help cook dinner. We clean up after we are done then head to the living room. Ville sits on the couch. I plop down in his lap. He wraps his arms around me. I lean my back against his chest. I grab my game, but before I can turn it on, my phone rings. Seeing it's April, I put it on speaker phone.

"Hello," I say.

"Skylar, baby, I'm so so so sorry for everything I did to you. You don't know how much you mean to me. I love you, Skylar. Please come home to me. Please," Bam sobs. I close my eyes as my chest tightens up. I've never liked seeing Bam cry. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I know what I have to do, but it's going to hurt.

"Bam, I am home, here in Finland, with Ville," I say slowly. He's drunk, I can tell even through he doesn't slur his words.

"Why? Why do you chose some guy you DIDN'T EVEN KNOW until I introduced you two, over me? I've always been there for you! If it wasn't for me begging my mom to take you in, you would have never met Ville. When has he EVER sat there and held you while you cried your eyes out!? Who stopped you from committing suicide multiple times!? Who-"

"Bam! Shut the hell up!" I shout. I'm done being nice. "I love you, always will, but you are too over protective. You drink too much. You sleep around with anything that had a vagina. I met Ville long before you did. He's held me plenty of times while I cried my eyes out. He knows me better than you do. He knows my moods, exactly what to say to get me to laugh. He's not afraid to tell me the truth, even if it hurts my feelings, he won't sugar coat it either. I love him, Bam, and it's all thanks to you. I tried fixing what was broken between me and you, but that's impossible because you don't want to help fix it. Every time I tried to fix it, you pushed me away and it made me realize that we aren't meant to be together. We're too different. I'm sorry, Bam, but I'm done with you." Silence greets me as I finish my rant. Bam hangs up. I rub my face and realize I was crying. I wipe the tears away angrily. I'm done shedding tears for Bam.

"That was harsh," Ville comments. I snort. "But it was necessary." I put my head in my hands and close my eyes. "So what now?" Ville asks. I shrug my shoulders. He starts massaging them.

"Hmmm, keep that up and I'm going to make you give me a full body massage," I mumble. Ville chuckles and says, "All you have to do is ask, but I warn you," He lowers his voice, "I'm not responsible for anything that might happen." I smile, stand up, turn around then sit down so that I am straddling Ville. I put my hands on his chest. He wraps his hands around my waist and stare up at me. I lean my head down and brush my lips against his.

"I love you, Skylar," he whispers. "I love you, too, Ville,' I whisper back. He smiles and kisses me softly. He trails kisses across my jaw line, down my neck and back up to my lips.

"Ville, I-" He stops my words with a kiss. "We don't have to go far tonight. I'm fine with just kissing. Hell, I'll be fine with just holding you. You don't know how happy I am that you are finally mine. You're all I've thought about since I met you in that Café." Tears well up in my eyes as I smile at his words. I shake my head.

"I don't deserve you Ville, but I'm glad I have you. You believed in me even when I couldn't do it myself." I kiss him. Someone knocks on the door.

"Who could that be, this late at night?" Ville asks. I shrug and hop up so he can answer the door. I head to the bathroom. When I walk back into the living room, Lafayette is there. He's been crying. I walk over and hug him. He starts bawling. I rub his back, confused. I try to catch Ville's eye, but he refuses to look at me. Now I'm worried.

"What is going on?" I demand. Lafayette lets go of me and goes sits down on the couch. Ville walks over, takes both of my hands in his, looks me in the eye and very solemnly says, "Manny's dead."

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