Chapter Two

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I wake up in cold sweat. My heart is racing. I jump out of bed and run down the hall to Bam's room. I open the door, sneak inside, then close it. I walk over to his bed and lay down. He pulls me against his chest. "I'm here for you." He kisses my head. My heart slows down and soon I drift off to a restless sleep.

"Sky, baby, wake up. We need to get ready." I open my eyes. Bam brushes my hair off my face. I snuggle closer to him and close my eyes. "Come on, Sky. As much as I love holding you, we need to get ready. Our flight leave in an hour." I groan. "Fine, but I need a shower." "Go. I'll get breakfast ready."

I drag myself out of bed and down to the bathroom. I jump in the shower, wash myself, then get out. I wrap a towel around me then head for my room. I close my door and change. I throw on holey jeans, a tank top, and a thin, black , long sleeved shirt. I grab my Pikachu socks and black converse shoes. I put my hair into a pony tail then head downstairs.

The smell of bacon hits me as I walk into the kitchen. I sit down and Bam places a plate in front of me. He then puts ketchup and a cup of coffee down. I smile at him and say, "Thanks." "Welcome." he kisses my head. I cover my scrambled eggs with ketchup and dig in. I finish in five minuets.

I go upstairs to the bathroom. After I'm done, I go to my room to pack. "Ape packed for you. The only things she didn't get is your bathroom stuff.," Bam says, making me jump. "Sorry." He wraps his arms around me. I lean into him. "I love you, Sky," Bam whispers. I don't say anything. I never do.

"Come one, lovebirds. The plane isn't going to wait forever," Raab says. Bam kisses my head then lets go of me. He glares at Raab then heads downstairs, I shrug then ask, "Will you help me get the bathroom stuff?" "Sure!" Raab skips to the bathroom.

We get the stuff and put it in my suitcase. Ape takes us to the airport. Twenty minuets later, we are on the plane to LA. Bam grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. I smile and look out the window. we arrive a long time later.

Bam gets a taxi to take us to the hotel. I walk though our room, drop my bag, and plop down on the bed by the window. I close my eyes and try to sleep. I feel the bed move and guess that Bam laid down too. I reach my hand out for him. He pulls me against him. I rest my head on his chest and sigh in content.

"Sky, please come back. I'm sorry. I wont ever hurt you again," Tony pleads. he has tears in his eyes. "You've said that before, but you never mean it." I shake my head. "Baby, please. My mom's dying. She said the only thing she wants before she dies is to see us together again. I don't wan to let her down. Please." the tears fall. My eyes start to water. "Tony," I whisper. He reaches out. I tense up. He places his hand lightly on my cheek and wipes a tear away. My chest tightens up. "I love you, Sky," he whispers. A sob escapes my lips. "Sky>" I look into his brown eyes, so sincere, so full of regret. Another sob escapes. Tony pulls me against him. I start bawling. "Shh, I'm here. Don't cry." The sobs subside enough for me to say, "I love you, too."


Hey sorry the chapters have been short. the next one is longer I promise :) Don't forget to comment and vote!

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