Chapter Seven

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Two months have passed since Ville and I had that talk. I took his advice and started talking to Bam about my past. I cried a lot, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I laugh more, joke around with Bam and his friends. I even agreed to be in Jackass: The Movie. I still can't say 'I love you', but it's a start.

"Come on, Skylar!" Bam hollers. I sigh and wash my paintbrush out. I'm working on a water color of Eevee, Growlithe, and Pikachu. Bam walks in. "Hurry up. We are waiting." He wraps his arms around me. I lean into him. "Sorry. I was cleaning up." "Do you need help?" "Nope. I'm almost done." "Okay." He kisses my head then walks out. I clean up then put my smock on its hook on the back of the door. I walk out, closing the door behind me. I lock it then head downstairs.

"Finally!" Johnny says, throwing his hands in the air. I roll my eyes and plop down on Raab's lap. "Where are we going first to film?" Jeff asks. People start blurting out answers. Jeff calms them down then calls on Bam. "The skate park!" "No! The zoo!" Everyone starts arguing. I sigh then sneak out the door, grabbing my skateboard along the way. I head to the skate park. I'm there for a while when my phone rings. I stop skating, pick my board up, then go sit on the bench. Thinking it's Bam I answer, "What?"

"Are you in a bad mood, kaunis?" "Sorry, Ville. I assumed it was Bam calling. What's up?" "Nothing. I was bored and wanted to talk to a beautiful lady, so I decided to call you." I snort. "Well, you called the wrong person if you wanted beautiful." "Do you always have to argue?" I smile. "Pretty much." He laughs. "How have you been?" I run my hand through my hair. "Um, a lot better actually. I took your advice and started talking to Bam. I don't feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders anymore. I'm a lot happier. Thank you for shoving you foot up my ass. If you didn't do that, I would still be closed off to the world." "Your welcome, kaunis." I roll my eyes and ask, "When's the next time you'll be in Pennsylvania?" "I'm coming to America in a few days. I'm arriving early to visit you guys then I'll be heading to Pittsburgh to play a show. I was wondering if you wanted to come." "I would love to come see you play." "Sweet! I can't wait to see you." I hear some yelling in the back ground. "I've got to go. I'll see you in a few days. Goodbye, kaunis." "Goodbye Ville." I hang up.

"SKYLAR!" I look around. Bam's hanging out the window of a car, waving his arms. I sigh, grab my skateboard then walk over to him. He gets out and rushes over to me. He picks me up and spins me around. "I'm so glad I found you! I thought you had ran away!" He sets me down. "Sorry. I didn't want to listen to people argue." He kisses my forehead and says, "It's okay. Just let me know the next time." I smile and get in the car. Raab's driving. He smiles at me as I get in. Bam gets in behind me then we head home.

A few days later. Ville drops in. I told Bam on our way home from the skate park, so it's not a surprise to him, Raab, and me. To everyone else, it is. There's complaints about where's he going to sleep, and what about the movie, blah blah blah. "One, Ville has a room here. Two, we can still do the movie. He's only here for a few days. Three, I'm hungry, so I'm leaving to get food. Who's coming?" Everyone but me and Ville says they are. "What? Too good to hang with us?" "You just sat there and watched me eat pizza. I'm not hungry." "Fine. I didn't want a girl hanging with me anyways." I shrug and walk up to my studio. I unlock the door and walk in. I leave the door open. I go back to my water color.

"So you told Bam about our conversation?" Ville asks. I look at him. He's leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. "I needed more persuasion. I started telling myself I couldn't heal, but I stopped and thought if Bam told me I could heal, then I would. I didn't tell him I kissed you, though. He'd probable get mad." I go back to painting. "That's really good," Ville says from beside me. I blush and nod. I put my paintbrush in the water and reach for the smaller one. He grabs my wrist and pulls me into a hug. "I've missed you," he whispers. I hug him back. "I've missed you, too." Ville lets me go.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "I'm perfectly fine watching you paint." I smile and go back to my painting. We talk and laugh about anything and everything. A few hours later, I finish. I clean up then lay down on my back. Ville walks over and lays down next to me. He laces our fingers together. I blush but don't move away.

"I'm glad you're getting better," he says softly. I snort. "Is that a nice way of saying, 'I told you so'?" He smiles. "Maybe." I try not to, but smile anyways. He has that effect on me, making me smile when I don't want to. "I truly am glad you're getting better. You deserve a second chance at love." I sit up and pull my hand away from his. He looks at me. "Skylar?" I sigh and look away.

"I'm still afraid to love anyone, to allow anyone in. I mean, I let Bam in, but I'm afraid to let anyone else in." He sits up. "Hey." He makes me look at him. "Baby steps, remember? Letting Bam in is a big step to healing. Take it slow and maybe try letting someone else in. Try talking about something small, like pets you had, or dreams you have. Then start working your way to what happened to you. Okay?" I smile. Ville smiles back. "Good girl." His smile fades as he leans in. I know I should stop him, but I don't want to. I want to kiss him, but I'm afraid I'll get hurt.

Before I made my decision, our lips meet. Sparks ignite throughout my body. My heart races. His tongue pushes into my mouth. The fear starts threading its way through my mind. I put my hands on Ville's chest and push. He falls backwards. I crawl backwards until I hit the wall. My body shakes, my breathing's ragged. I close my eyes and try to calm down. A few minuets later, I do. I look over at Ville. He's in the same spot, looking worried and a little hurt. I give a thumbs up for 'I'm okay'. I can't do anything about the hurt. He nods. I hear something and look at out the door. I see the back of Bam's head as he walks away.


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