Chapter Thirteen

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Three Weeks Later

I finish tying my shoes and head out the door, grabbing my purse along the way. I jog the short distance to Manny’s Coffee Shop, or just Manny’s. The bell rings as I enter and Manny looks up from his paper work.

“I know, late again. I’m really sorry about that. Take it out of my pay or whatever satisfies you.” He shakes his head and goes back to his papers. I high five Lafayette and head back to Manny’s office to stow away my purse. I head back out to the main area and take up station as cashier.

“So, darling, I heard some very interesting news about you,” Lafayette purrs. I smile and say, “It’s probable all lies.” He raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything while he gets a customer’s order. He hands it to them then leans against the counter next to me.

“So, you’re saying you’re not shagging that sexy, tall dark and dangerous musician, Ville?” “I’m not shagging him.” “Uh huh,“ Lafayette says, putting his hands on his hips and walking away. I shake my head and laugh.

We are about to close when Ville walks in. Lafayette lets out a whistle. I roll my eyes and go back to counting money. I finish and hand it to Lafayette. I go back into the office and grab my purse then head back out.

“Thanks for closing, Lafayette,” I say as I give him a hug. “Just do me a favor and shag him, cause honey, if you don’t, I will.” I kiss his cheek and say, “Don’t you dare touch my man.” he smacks my butt and tells me to get out of here. Ville hold open the door for me. We hold hands as we walk home.

“If it were any other guy, I would have punched them in the face for touching you,” Ville says as we enter his house. I roll my eyes and head to my room to change. When I walk out into the living room, Ville has candles lit, two plates of food and the DVD remote sitting on the table. I smile and sit down next to him on the couch. He pushes play and True Blood starts. We eat then I lay down and use Ville’s stomach as a pillow.

“Is Lafayette his real name?” I smile, knowing Ville is asking about the Lafayette I work with. “Yes, he was born with that name. As hard as he tries to be like Nelsan Ellis, he cant shake his British heritage.”

We finish the first season of True Blood and Ville turns everything off. The candles have burned down to almost nothing. We sit and talk about our day until the candles go out. I stand up and stretch. I lean down and kiss Ville on the cheek. “Good night.” I get up and start to leave. Ville grabs my hand.

“Sleep with me tonight,” he says quietly. The half moon illuminates his face. “Ville,” “Please, just for tonight,” he begs. We aren’t actually dating, as much as we both want to. Part of it, ok like 99% of that is my fault.

No one told Bam that I was going to Finland with Ville. I heard from Ryan that Bam started cussing and calling me names. Then a few days later, Raab called and said that Bam started drinking real bad and he was telling every one that I am a worthless whore for running off with some guy I barely know after everything Bam’s done for me.

Anyways, Bam’s betrayal cut deep and I though that it was best if Ville and I stayed in separate rooms (like that mattered. We flirted like there was no tomorrow). I guess I thought that would fix mine and Bam’s friendship, but it won’t.

I smile at this realization. Ville looks at me confused. I crawl onto his lap and kiss him. He pushes me away. “What are you doing?”

“I want you, Ville, and unless I’m mistaken, you want me. I’m tired of denying myself happiness and ruining yours.” I shake my head. “It’s not going to fix whatever’s broken between me and Bam. I‘m done with him.” I go to kiss Ville. He holds me back.

“I don’t believe you.” I narrow my eyes. “What?” He picks me up, sits me on the couch and gets up. He runs his hands through his hair.

“I don’t believe that you are done with Bam. You’ve said for the past three weeks that you were done with him, but all he has to do is say he’s sorry and you’re putty in his hands. I’m not saying this to be mean. It’s the truth.” He starts pacing.

“I know your not trying to be mean. I know I’m a mess. But please believe that I’m trying to fix things. I’m trying to let Bam go, but it’s hard. We’ve been through so much together.” I start crying, but continue on through the tears.

“I lusted after Bam once, but that’s not the case now. He was the one that I went to when everything went wrong. He was there for me when Tony happened. I don’t know why I thought pushing you away would make me and Bam closer and I’m sorry for the pain I caused you. I’m trying to get over him, but his betrayal cut deep and I need help fixing myself. I know it’s unfair to ask for your help, but I need it.” I smile through the tears.

“I think I love you, Ville. The first time we talked, you made me feel alive, like I wasn’t broken and I fell for you. Six months later, I still had those feelings, and they grew the more I got to know you. All I want is to see you smile, to hear you laugh. I want to be the one to make you happy. I just need a little time to fix myself.” Ville walks over to the couch and kneels down in front of me. He wipes the tears away and kisses me softly.

“I’ll give you the time you need, but I can’t help you fix yourself until I know for sure you’re over Bam. And until that happens, no more flirting, or cuddling, or anything couple like. I won’t be able to stand it if you go back to him.” With that, he stands up and walks away. I sit on the couch and cry myself to sleep.

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