Chapter Four

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I scream. Someone grabs for me. I push them away and fall to the floor. I curl up into a ball and sob. I can still feel the knifes cutting into me. Someone touches me. I scream again and kick out. They start cursing. Someone grabs me and holds me close. I yell at them. "Get off!" "Sky! Open you eyes! It's me! Ville!" I stop yelling and open my eyes. I lean back to look at Ville. His eyes are filled with worry. I look around and see Bam holding a towel to his nose. I open my mouth to say something. "Police! Open up!" Bam gets up and open the door. I snuggle closer to Ville. He tightens his hold on me.

"Problem Officer?" Bam asks. His voice is funny sounding. "Yeah. We got a call saying someone was screaming. They though it was someone being murdered." "Sorry, Officer," I croak out. They push their way in to stare down at me and Ville. "I had a nightmare. They were trying to wake me up." "Must have been pretty bad. The lady said it went on for about five minuets," the younger officer says. the older one gives him a look then says, "I would get medication." I nod and say, "Sorry for the inconvenience." "that's okay Ma'am. Better than being an actual murder. Have a nice day." "You too." They walk out. I look a Bam. "I'm sorry." "It's fine, but if any of the boys make fun of me, kick them in the nose. i smile and try to say something. I start coughing like crazy. "I'll get you something form the lobby." I stop coughing enough to say, "Can you go get McDonald's? I'm hungry." "Okay. Ville do you want anything?" "No thank you." Bam grabs his money and heads out the door. Ville and I sit in silence. I know he want to ask questions, so I explain without him asking too.

"I had a boyfriend once. He was real nice, cared for me, loved me. He made me laugh even when I didn't want to. He bought me flowers at random times, called me in the middle of the night just to say 'I love you'.

My parents abused me when I was little. They stopped when I was fifteen but they started ignoring me, acting like I wasn't there. I soon met Tony. He made me fee like I was important, like I wasn't a waste of space, like I was worth loving. He was perfect.

We had been dating for two years when everything changed. He started going out more often. He said it was friends, but I knew differently. His clothes smelled like perfume. I never wore perfume. He had lipstick on his clothes a few time. But, despite the proof, I stayed with him. I was so stupid."

I stop talking. My heart hurts, like a fist is squeezing it. I close my eyes and try not to cry. I don't want to go on. "I can't believe I said that to him. I never talk about my past, not even to Bam, especially not to strangers." I take a deep breath then move off Ville's lap. I lean against the bed, opposite of him. I hug my knees to my chest.

"Sky?" "Don't call me that," I growl. "Tony use to call me that." "I'm sorry, Skylar." I sigh and mumble, "Whatever." "I'm not going to judge you, if that's what you're afraid of." I look at him. he smiles, but his eyes are full of worry, understanding, and a sadness so deep, it's almost hidden. Bu I can see it, because I know it's the same sadness in my eyes. I close my eyes and sigh.

"He started telling me that he never loved me, but he was staying with me because I made his "image" look good. He told me I needed to lose weight because I was fat and ugly. He told me I was a worthless piece of shit." Tears start running down my cheeks. "One night, I was at a party with Tony. I wasn't having fun, so I sneaked off to call Bam. Little did I know, Tony followed me. He slapped me and said if I ever ran off again, he'll do more then slap me. Someone noticed the r5ed mark, but he told them I had a little to much to drink. They weren't convinced but did nothing." "You never told Bam?" I shake my head.

"When I got home from the party, my father was drunk and started abusing me. He called me names and said I was a waste of space and better off dead. I escaped and ran to Bam's. The mark Tony left was covered by my father's mark. Bam's mom, April, called the cops. She took me in after my parents were arrested.

"Is that why you wouldn't kiss me? Because of Tony and your parents?" I nod slowly. "I'm not like that. I would never abuse someone." "It doesn't matter, Ville. I can't open my heart to anyone, not even Bam. I cant trust anyone with it. I'm too broken. I can't be fixed."


What will Skylar do? Will Bam hate her or be happy because she's finally loving someone? You'll have to find out in the next chapter! XD Don't forget to comment and vote!!!

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