101| Shut your damn faeces

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Opening school tomorrow fml
Like I said, WWDMC might be coming to a close as this is my final year of high school (YASS) and I need to focus big time.

I'm going to mark it as completed soon, but that doesn't mean that the rants will completely stop - if I see something that annoys me, I'll be sure to drop in and say hello!

Anyway, here's a rant for you :)


This probably has nothing to do with Wattpad lol

But you know what the most irritating thing about these days?

Everyone fucking has an opinion on everything and act as if they're experts on everything when the truth is they're just regurgitating what other bitches have been saying on the topic

Now, everyone thinks they're political experts because Donald Trump is in the race

Everyone thinks they're sexism experts because they've listened to Flawless by Beyoncé on replay

Everyone thinks they're MORAL EXPERTS because they can find everything wrong with the Kardashians

Everyone thinks they're now war/peace advocates because they think achieving peace is as easy as ABC and will therefore criticize policies (like they know what that word means) because of a fucking Facebook post they read that was written by someone who equally knows jack shit about the situation

Everyone thinks that just because of social media, everyone else wants to hear their bloody opinions on everything

That's why everyone's just getting butt hurt these days, because everyone's told them that that's what they're supposed to be offended by, that this is apparently insulting and that this is apparently oppressing others and bullshit like that

And everyone's pretending they're so well read and so educated because they're screaming words like MISOGYNY and PERPETRATOR in everyone's bloody ass motherfucking faces

Yet their tumblr is basic af
Yet their Instagram is basic af

Yet they be failing school coz they don't know how to put fullstops in their sentences

And when you meet them in person, the loud ass voice they seemed to have on the Internet is nothing but a whimper that can convince no one but a lil piece of shit that they actually cared about what they said

Btw, don't get butthurt that I've been using the general term, 'everyone'. Otherwise it's you I'm talking about.


Niqqa I wrote this post because some bitch ass mofo posted a status and I literally hammered them down and they didn't know shit about the issue like srsly go hide under a lil piece of shit you

Daisies and rainbows now 💓💓


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