26| These Love Wars

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These Love Wars


Because Wattpad is full of young authors who are trying to steer away from clichés, they all end up going into a new direction: clichés.


It's funny. I guess it's because one bitch comes up with a good idea then now everyone copies them

*cough cough* twilight, the hunger games *cough cough*

And so now on wattpad I'm feeling that the new cliché are these love wars.

They come in different shapes and sizes, in different ways, but they're all ultimately the same. Girls and boys fighting for the love of girls and boys.

Here are the different types.

1. Fuck the Virgin

So like I'm starting to see so many books like this it's crazy.

What happens is that there's the good (prude) girl, who's a virgin, and a couple of guys who are fighting to take away her virginity.

The best friend or the bad boy eventually wins.

It's usually because they claim that "it's not for that stupid competition anymore, it's because I love you."

Then she looks into his eyes and thinks he's being so honest and they have sex and shit.

Like that is literally all it takes to enter

And the other participants fighting for the crown are taking her out for dates...why you wasting your money like that

Just say some corny shit

(Don't forget the puppy eyes).

One thing that annoys me about these kind of stories is that idk it seems like being a virgin a bad thing

I won't get all religious here but it's really not a bad thing

We don't want good (prude) girl going on Teen Mom 2 okay pls

Just fight for dots okay not for someone's virginity

Like what if they suck in bed was it even worth it

2. Best friend vs Bad Boy

Here's a basic outline of the plot.

> she like best friend

> he likes someone else

> she best friend her true feelings

> he insults her or something

> bad boy likes her

> bad boy takes her troubles away

> she falls for bad boy

> best friend gets jealous

> suddenly re-enters her life then says he likes her (wait what?)

> she switches back to best friend

> she has to choose between both

> opts for best friend because


Like seriously she always chooses the best friend

The bad boy treats her so nicely I mean she has eventful kissing scenes on yachts and shit

But noooo, she chooses best friend because they can fart in each others faces comfortably

The best friend usually treats her so badly at some point. I hate it when she chooses him.

And she leaves the bad boy all alone, carrying so much pain because of his tragic past (lol) and because she rejected him.

I'm starting to think she's a bitch.

3. One Direction

Lol so the whole of One Direction (bearing in mind that there are five people in the group) falls in love with the one girl they've adopted or abducted or some shit like that

Then they have to fight for her

Then she picks Harry

Or Liam, depending on the author's discretion.

4. Ex girlfriend vs Prude Girl

So basically every hot, popular guy has a crazy ex-girlfriend who will appear halfway into the book to try and reclaim her ex-boyfriend.

Because she always has to be a bitchy, blonde, hot, forcefully sexual cheerleader, Prude Girl will feel insecure and feel like he doesn't love her anymore because she feels ugly (even though her perfect hair cascaded down her back).

Then the boy will assure her that he loves her and that he only went out with the ex because of society.

So stupid

Like doesn't he have a mind of his own?

But you know I understand why these exes are bitches, I mean, if some pretend goody-two shoes stole my boyfriend like that I'd be a fucking Rottweiler to her

But these Bitch Cheerleaders have no souls, right. (OMG rant idea!)


Are there any love wars that I've missed out? Comment below.

Thank you for your support :)

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