My alpha mate

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Chapter 9

*Luke’s POV*

            I sat down on the couch Sierra told me to sit in, we were at her house, and if I must say, it was very nice. It was big, and must have had at least ten rooms, then she came back. She had a magpie on her shoulder, “Hey Sierra, why do you have a magpie on your shoulder?” She smiled, and sat down on the bean bag that was plain fuchsia, “This is Jace, my pet bird. I saved him when he was an egg, when the palace maids were knocking down magpie nests, I decided to raise one. Besides, I had always wanted a pet that nobody else had.”

            I was surprised, I had never thought of her to be an exotic animal wanter, “And now that you showed me the pets in your zoo, I thought I would show you Jace.” I smiled at her, and then I walked over to her, sat down, and kissed her. She opened her mouth to let me in, God she was amazing, I couldn’t believe she was mine, I probably have already said that, but I still couldn’t believe it was true. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her onto my lap. Then I heard somebody clear their voice.

            I looked up, and saw a beautiful woman standing in the kitchen across from us, “Mom, what are you doing home?” That surprised me, this was Sierra’s mom. They looked nothing alike. “Luke this is my mother Lizzie, mom this is the alpha, and my mate Luke.” She looked at her daughter in disgust, and looked at me with respect.

            “Hello alpha, as Sierra said I am Lizzie, I know we do not look alike, that is because her father cheated on me with another woman while I was on a work trip. They ended up with this Bastard.” I could see the hurt on Sierra’s face, “I will not tolerate you speaking to my mate like that Lizzie. Do you think that she had a say in what her father did before she was born? Because that is what it seems like. Even if she isn’t your blood she is still your daughter.”

            She laughed, “Please, even if she was my own daughter, she would still be a disgrace to me. She might work, but she is stuck up and snooty. I am very sorry she had to be your mate.” I growled when I saw tears running down Sierra’s face, “How dare you speak to my mate like that. I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that she is moving in with me in my home soon.”

            She gasped, “No, you can’t! Who will pay for the bills?” I smiled, “How about your son Garrett, I’m sure he would love to.” She laughed, “That worthless son of a bitch. He has never worked a day in his life. That poor mate of his has to take care of the whole family.”

“Well that’s kind of weird, since that’s what you make Sierra do while you sit on your lazy ass talking about how much of a bitch she is.”  She looked at me in outrage, “That is different. I worked for years to support this family, now it is her turn.” I let out a laugh, “Oh please! This is no different, you think it is horrible what Garrett does to his mate, but you do the same thing to mine.”

“Luke that is enough. She is not worth it. Let’s just go upstairs and pack my things.”  I nodded and followed her up the stairs.

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now