My Alpha Mate

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Chapter 20       

*Luke’s POV*

            I woke up to some movement under my head, I jumped up, looked around, and saw Sierra’s arm twitching. “Doctor come quickly!” I screamed, and then I heard a whole bunch of groans in my head. ‘Dude shut up we are all trying to sleep here.’ Jared said through the mind link, I groaned, I forgot to shut off my mind link.

            Then the doctor came up, “I see that Sierra’s arm is twitching she will probably wake up soon.” He said in a monotone voice, and then left. I could feel my wolf trying to get out and yell at him to show respect to his Alpha, but right then I had my mate to get ready for. I sighed and decided to go for a run, I hadn’t been able to do that for a while. I turned and walked out the door.

            When I got to the forest I shifted into my wolf and took off. I had been running for a while when I heard a voice in my head. ‘Alpha your mate has woken and she is freaking out.’ I turned and ran back to the house, when I got there I heard a lot of screaming. “Let me go! I have to go to Luke! Let me go!”

            I ran into the house and Jared and Matthew holding her at the top of the stairs, and when she saw me she started thrashing around. “Let her go.” I said, and when they let her go she ran strait into my arms. I felt a huge weight being lifted off my chest as she snuggled into my chest. “Who are these people Luke? Why was I left alone?”

            I looked at her, “You can’t remember anyone?” She shook her head, “No I can only remember you and my rogue mother.” I sighed and ran my fingers through her hair, “This is our pack Sierra, your father is the soon-to-be Beta, and you are Alpha female.” She gasped and looked around, and then she spotted Maloney, “Oh I also remember Maloney, and we were kept inside a cell because of my mother. But you three are the only ones I remember.”

*Sierra’s POV*

            I watched as everyone stared at me in horror, and then whispers vibrated through the room. “She can never be a good Alpha female if she can’t remember who we are.” I felt tears tug at my eyes, and then I looked at Luke, and saw sadness in his eyes. “Luke I am so sorry I don’t remember much. I will be a bad Alpha female; maybe you should choose someone else.”

            He looked at me in anger, “Yeah maybe I should. Goodbye Sierra.” I stared at him in horror, and then I saw his eyes, “Oh My God Sierra I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I did not mean any of that. I love you so much and did not mean that.” I just shook my head, turned around, and ran up the stairs and into the room I came from.

*Luke’s POV*

            Oh My God what have I done? I don’t even know what came over me; I just blurted that out not meaning it. I felt bad for what I said but I knew she would not forgive me. I sighed, and ran up the stairs to see if I could gain her forgiveness. I walked into the room that she was in and found a note on the bed. ‘Dear Luke, Maloney, and everyone else,

I understand that I will not be a good Alpha female so I decided to run away. Luke I hope you find I good Alpha female, and I hope that you love her. Have a good life.



            I stared at the note as if it would burst into flames at any moment, “Luke are you okay?” I shook my head and handed the note to Maloney, I saw her read it and her face turned white. “We have to go after her. We can not let her get far. Let’s go.” I nodded and followed her out the door to go find my Beloved mate.

Voting on who should play Sierra

1. Megan Fox

2. Kristen Stewart

3. Nina Dobrev

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