My Alpha Mate

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Chapter 24

Read note at the bottom, it is urgent.

*Sierra’s POV*

         I ran up the stairs and into the infirmary that Luke was being held in and saw Jared talking to him; but when I came in he looked at me hesitantly. “I know everything Jared, Luce told me.” He sighed, nodded, murmured something to Luke and walked out of the room, leaving me with my mate that doesn’t remember whom I was. I turned towards him and smiled at him, a shy, guilty smile. “Who are you?”

         My heart ripped in half, “My name is Sierra, and I’m your mate Luke.” He looked at me in surprise, “No! I would remember my mate! Get out! I don’t believe you.” I felt tears sting my eyes as I ran out of the room. As soon as I got out of the room I ran into Maloney, and noticed she was holding a baby. “Oh My GOD! Did you have your baby? And it’s a GIRL!” She nodded, but took one good look at me and sighed. “You talked to Luke didn’t you? I am so sorry, I can’t believe he can’t remember you.”

         I shrugged, trying to hold back my tears, but Maloney wouldn’t let me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I let the tears fall, as I pulled her into a tighter hug and let the sobs take over my body. Maloney pulled me into a guest room, pulled me onto the bed, and let me sob on her shoulder. “I- I can- can’t be- believe h- he can’t rem- remember m- me.”

         She nodded in sympathy, “I’m sure that in a few days he will remember you and regret everything he ever did to hurt you.” I shrugged, trying to act indifferent, “I hope that’s what happens because if he never remembers me then I am going to literally die.” She nodded in understanding and spoke up, “Hey I have to go, Jared is talking to me through the mind link, we need to take Rosie to the doctor’s office.” I nodded, “Okay thank you for listening to my problems and letting me cry on your shoulder.” She smiled at me, “It’s fine sweetheart, I need to go now. I’ll see you later.” Then I was alone.

         I got up and left the room immediately. When I got out of the room I ran into someone; someone that made me erupt into sparks. I looked up and came face to face with my mate. “Look Sierra, I’m sorry. I do believe you now since there are sparks when we touch, but I don’t think I can be with you. Can we just be friends?”

         I nodded happily, if I can’t be with my mate in the way that I want to be then this was the next best thing. “Alright then, let’s start over. My name is Sierra.” I held my hand out for him to shake it, and he smiled happily, “Hello my name is Luke. It’s good to meet you.” I started to giggle, this was nothing like the first time we met.

         “Let’s be friends!” Luke said in an overly happy tone, and I burst out laughing. “Yes! We will be the best of friends!” We were both laughing by this point, I was clutching my stomach while Luke was trying to catch his breath by sitting on the floor. I liked this, before Luke and I never were literally friends, just mates that loved each other, now I got to actually be friends with my mate, in a non sexual manner. Still, though, I wish that at some point he would remember me again.

Okay so this is the end of My Alpha Mate, but I just made the sequel called Just Friends. It is about Sierra and Luke as friends, and Sierra always wishing for more than that. 

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now