My alpha mate

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Chapter 14

*Sierra’s POV*

            My mother grabbed us by the hair, and dragged us back into the cells. “Mother please let us out, we have done nothing to you.” She started laughing, “Oh please Sierra, you were born, that did something to me. As for the other girl, she was just part of my plan to get you here, so I guess she can go now. But I won’t let her out because she might find that little mater of yours and bring him here to try and save you.”

*Luke’s POV*

            Luke I know you probably do not care that I am gone but I will talk anyways; I am in a cellar with Maloney. I do not know where, but it smells like we are near a gas place because it smells like gas. If you care, please come quick.

            I lifted my head from the ground I was sniffing to try to catch a sent, “Jared I heard from Sierra, she is with Maloney. They are okay for now but I’m not sure for how long.” Jared ran back over to me, “Okay alpha. Did she give you a clue as to where she is?” “Yes, she is near a place that has some type of gas smell, I am guessing it is the hide out for the rogues because they are near a big gas station.”

            He nodded, and then we switched our course to going north. The rogues didn’t know that we knew where there hide out was, but we did so we found Sierra pretty quickly. We got to the hide out, put our noses to the ground, and found Sierra’s sent. We ran over to a window on the east side of the building. I looked in and saw my angel laying on the ground, pale as a ghost, she looked like she was dead. The only thing I had to know that she was not dead was that I could feel her through the bond.

*Sierra’s POV (before Luke found her)*

            I was sitting there waiting for my mother to come back and do something to me, and then somebody came in. I stared at the boy, really taking in the details of his face, he had blonde hair that went to his chin, and he had red eyes. He was a vampire. “Okay sweetheart I am here to take blood for your mother so she can clone you, and make another you, except this doppelganger is going to be the opposite of you, and she is going to take over your mate’s pack and become the alpha so she can rule.”

I could not believe my ears, “No, I will not allow it.” I started laughing, “Well that is just to bad because you can not get away from me, and after this you will be dead.” My mother would not do that to me, but of course I already knew that was a lie, she already gave me away, so I guess she didn’t care about me. He came up to me, put a syringe into my arm, and I could practically feel the blood being drained out of me. I started to loose consciousness, I felt my head hit the cold dirt floor, and I blacked out.

*Luke’s POV*

            I could not believe it, my mate was hurt! I looked to Jared and he was looking at Maloney, and it looked like he was communicating with her. Her head snapped up and I saw relief in her eyes when the met Jared’s. “Come on Jared we will get our mates of there and the rest of the pack will kill the rogues.” He nodded, we rammed against the window until it shattered into millions of little pieces on the floor, we jumped in, and grabbed our mates.

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now