My alpha mate

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Chapter 17

Because this story is PG-13 just use your imagination as how they had sex.
*Sierra’s POV*

            I woke up with something warm covering me, and then I heard talking. “I said get out! My mate is naked so you better get out or else I will have to hurt you.” I could here the humor in his voice so I knew that he was only playing around but I could tell he really did want the person out. “Alright boss I was just coming up because Maloney wanted me to check up on her and she couldn’t come up because the babies aren’t treating her well this morning.

            That was Jared. Wait! Did he say babies? I guess I said that out loud because they started laughing. “Yes Maloney is pregnant with three little pups two boys and one girl. We found out yesterday.”

“Oh My God congratulations! I am so happy for you two!”             He smiled, “Who knows maybe we will have little Sierras and Lukes running around here soon.” I blushed and looked down, “Alright Jared it is time for you to get out and go back to your mate.” He nodded, waved at me, and went out of the room.

I looked at Luke with a smile on my face, “I love you.” I blurted out, and I felt my cheeks redden with embarrassment. He chuckled, “I love you too.” I smiled, moved closer to him, wrapped my arms around him, nuzzled my face into his neck, and went back to sleep.

            I woke up with the sun shining right in my face, I groaned, rolled over, felt the spot next to me, and it was empty. I opened my eyes and found a note with a white rose on it on the pillow. I picked it up and it said… Dear Sierra,

I hope you rested well, I am sorry I had to                                                     leave there was some Alpha business to                                              attend to.



            I smiled, put the note on the table, got up, put on my gray tee-shirt that said live laugh love, and put on my black yoga pants. I got up, walked down the stairs and came face-to-face with Margret. Margret was my best friend since we met in Juvie. I was in Juvie because I beat up Garrett my brother because he was trying to rape me, and no one believed me. Margret was my cell mate, and forever best friend.

 “Oh My God Margret! What are you doing here?!” She smiled, wrapped her arms around me and said, “Luke brought me here because you were mumbling my name and Juvie over and over again last night so he shipped me out here and got me out of Juvie.”  I smiled, oh I loved Luke. Then I saw him walking in with Jared and Maloney, and Maloney was huge.

“Luke I love you!” I said as he looked over at us, he smiled, “Well I see I got the right Margret. So how do you know her?” I looked down and felt Margret bump my arm giving me reassurance. “Well I got sent to Juvie because I beat up my brother for almost raping me and nobody believed me. Margret was my cell mate and we became best friends.”

*Luke’s POV*

            I looked at Sierra in surprise, I never would have thought my baby would have been in Juvie. She seemed so innocent! “Oh Luke I’m still innocent, I was defending myself and nobody believed me.” I stared at her in horror I did not expect her to be listening in on my thoughts. Then I turned towards Margret and smiled, “Well I’m glad you were there for Sierra when she was in Juvie.”

            She smiled at me, “Oh no problem kid. She was actually the one that wanted to be my friend, she made the first move.” Then Sierra walked up to her, “Yes and it was the best first move of my life.” I was about to say what about me? But then I remembered that I made the first move.

            I smiled at both of them, then I turned to Jared, “Alright I think it is time to have a pack meeting to introduce all of the new comers from Sierra’s mom’s pack.” Sierra looked at me in surprise. “Why did you let them come?” I smiled at her, “Because they were all of the people in the cells, the people held captive.” She nodded and we headed out the door into the yard to introduce everyone to their new pack members, people might not like it at first, but hopefully it would be the best move for everyones’ safety.

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