My alpha mate

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Chapter 7

*Sierra’s POV*

            I woke up in someone’s arms, wait not just anybody’s, my mates! God that sounded good, mate. I liked it, he was super warm, and I couldn’t help but snuggle into him. Then I heard him chuckle, and tighten his grip on me, “Morning Sleeping Beauty. How was your sleep?” I looked up at him, his hair was messy, and his blue eyes were piercing into mine. God if this is what it felt like to wake up every morning I never wanted it to end. Oh that’s right it never had to, he was my mate!

*Luke’s POV*

            I was watching her, and I leaned down and kissed her. She stiffened at first from surprise, but then she reached up and her hands got tangled in my hair. I started to massage her head while kissing her. She gasped and my tongue slipped into her mouth, oh god, her mouth tasted the same as before, but it still caught me by surprise. “Do you know what I want to do?” I asked, she shook her head. “I want to mate.” She looked surprised, then she looked at me and smiled.

            She reached up and started to kiss me again “I take that as a yes.” I said, and she nodded against my mouth. My lips traveled down her neck, until it reached the base, Sierra gasped and arched against me. Oh God she was driving me crazy! I bit into her neck and swirled my tongue around the bight.

*Sierra’s POV*

            His mouth was at my neck, it was driving me crazy! I could feel his saliva coursing through my body, he was finally marking me. He came up from my neck, a smile on his face. Then I reached up and did the same thing. 

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