My Alpha Mate

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Chapter 22

*Luke’s POV*

            I woke up and found Sierra laying the sound asleep, I smiled, she looked just like a Greek goddess. I felt her stirring, and then her eyes flashed open. She smiled at me, and stretched out, arms clasped together over her head. “Goood morning beautiful!” She smiled warmly at me, and placed a kiss to my mouth.

            I pulled her close to me, and plunged my tongue into her mouth; she moaned and opened her mouth wider.

            I yanked her shirt off when there was a knock on the door. We both groaned but Sierra yelled out, “Who is it?” “It’s Angie. Someone’s here for you both.” We got up, she yanked on her shirt, and we headed down the stairs.

*Sierra’s POV*

When we got down I found my dad and Lizzie, I heard Luke growl next to me, so I took his hand and waited for one of them to speak. “Sierra I am so sorry for attacking you, I never knew what actually happened and I was just jealous that my mate had a daughter from someone else. I never knew that it was an arranged marriage and I regret hurting you. Will you ever forgive me?”

I sighed, ran a hand and spoke, “Yes Lizzie I forgive you. I understand where the jealousy is coming from. I would feel the same way if I found out that Luke had a daughter that wasn’t from me.”   She breathed out a sigh of relief, and smiled at me, “Thank you Sierra, I will be forever grateful.” I smiled, shrugged, took Luke’s hand, and went back up the stairs.

           When we got to the room I found a bouquet of roses on the bed. ‘Hello my little Sierra,

I hope you haven’t forgotten about me… I know I haven’t forgotten about you. I will get you back, I do not care if you are mated or not.

Love, Russell.’

            I gulped audibly, sighed, and looked at Luke. “Who the hell is Russell?” I sighed, ran a hand through my hair, and answered, “Russell is my ex-boyfriend. We thought we were going to be mates, but it didn’t happen that way. Then my dad made me break-up with him, and he hasn’t gotten over me since.”

            I heard him growl, and his eyes blacken, “No one gets to be with my mate like that besides me!” I ran my hand up and down his arm, leaned in, and kissed his cheek. “I love you and only you. No one will take me away from you. I am yours, as you are mine.” I saw his eyes lighten to their normal color, as he regained control over his wolf.

*Luke’s POV*

            I looked at my mate, and I felt the feeling of possessiveness take over my body and mind. I pushed her down onto her back, and started to kiss up her neck.

A/N- They do the dirty

            We were both panting as I lay above her, my arms supporting me, but close enough that her body heat permeated into my body. Then the door banged open. “Get away from MY Sierra!”

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now