My alpha mate

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 Chapter 6 *Luke’s POV*

            We were at my home and Sierra was looking around the mansion, she looked around in awe, and smiled when we had reached my room and saw the king size bed she was going to be sleeping in. Yes I had convinced her to sleep with me. Not in that way but I wish. She was now in the garden and looking at all of the plants and flowers that my sister had started growing. Then she moved out and left it to me.

            It had been three hours since the garden and now we were eating dinner, it was both of our favorite food- hot dogs. I had never seen a girl scarf down as much food as her. She had eaten four hotdogs already and did not look like she was going to stop, and she looked really hot doing it. She finally noticed that I was looking and started blushing, but she didn’t look away. I leaned onto her seat and grabbed her head and kissed her.

*Sierra’s POV*

            He had just grabbed me and kissed me, and the tingles were back, hard and strong. They spread through my body, so it kept on inching towards him, it was like I couldn’t stop myself, and I definitely didn’t want to. I felt his hands inch my shirt up and oh did it feel good. He yanked it over my head and his hands trailed down my chest and stomach. The tingles were getting worst and my body was aching for him to touch me, I started to take of his shirt, then we heard somebody clear her throat.   

*Luke’s POV*

            We were getting it on, Sierra was about to take off my shirt, when I heard somebody clear her throat. Oh sh*t it was my mother! I broke the kiss and looked towards her, and she had a very amused look on her face. “Wow Luke you waist no time in getting into bed with a girl do you?” I started blushing, and looked at Sierra, she had the same blush as I did.

            “No mother, this is my mate; Sierra.” My mother looked surprised, before she smiled and ran to envelope Sierra in a bone crushing hug. “Oh I am so sorry about what I said, I did not know you were his mate, I just thought he felt sex deprived. I am Lucenda, but you can call me Luce for short.” I looked at Sierra and saw her looking at me with a weird expression, then I understood, it was what my mom said on feeling sex deprived.

*Sierra’s POV*

            His mother had just told me about Luke feeling sex deprived, that was a shock! Never thought the alpha of our pack would be sex deprived, from what I had heard he had many suitors. He looked at me, then after a minute, he gave me an apologetic smile, “Mother can’t you go out with Melinda for a girls’ night out tonight?” She looked a little confused, but then she understood. “Oh I understand, yes that is a good idea, I will call her now.”

*Luke’s POV*

            I had just asked my mother to schedule a girls’ night out with her best friend, and I must say I was happy that she caught on so quickly, I did not want to explain my wants to her in front of Sierra. Finally after about thirty minutes of my mom getting ready, we were alone. I looked at Sierra, and wow was she beautiful! I could not believe she was mine, she was looking everywhere except at me. “Sierra are you okay? Why aren’t you looking at me?”

            She looked at me then said, “It is hard to think that your mate has slept with many girls, while I am still a virgin at nineteen.” I looked at her surprised, how could a girl as beautiful as her still be a virgin! That only made it better, now I could be the one that she gave her virginity to. She must have taken that surprised silence as a bad thing, because she started to blush and explain herself. “Look Luke I understand if that creeps you out, I do not want you to feel like you are in a weird position. I won’t talk about anything like that again.”

            I walked up to her and kissed her, I couldn’t help it she looked so scared that she had made me feel weird. As if! I was happy that she would be so honest with me, I ran my tongue over her lip to gain entrance, and she opened her mouth to let me in. Her mouth was delicious it tasted like citrus and mint. My hands got tangled in her hair as I started moving her to the floor.

            We were starting to get pretty into it; I had already taken off both of our shirts. I could see she was wanting more, but I knew now was not the time to take it away from her. So I did the hardest thing I had ever done. I pulled away from her.  I could see the hurt in her eyes as she tried to look away, “No Sierra look at me, I am sorry, I just don’t think now is the time to do it. I just want to get to know you better.”

            She nodded and got up, she grabbed her shirt, while putting it on, I could see her starting to shake. Oh sh*t, she was starting to cry! She had just put it on all the way, when I went to her and grabbed her, and hugged her. “Listen, I want to. God only knows how much, but not yet.”

She was still trembling when she said, “I feel like I am not good enough for you. I am still a virgin so you do not want to do it, and I know that at sometime you are going to get sick of waiting for me and cheat on me.” I was shaking my head even before she finished, “I could never get sick of you, you are everything I have always dreamed of in a mate. I already love you, and I would never even think of cheating on you.” She looked relieved; the tears stopped coming thank god. “Come, let’s go to bed and wake up tomorrow and face the world with the news.”  So we went up the stairs, got dressed and went to sleep, sierra in my arms, I had never felt so good.

My Alpha Mate (Going for Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now